Fwd: [ANN] Apache Jena 4.1.0

Would there be interest in having a dedicated mailing list for folks
working with (consuming, using, manipulating, querying, parsing etc.)
Schema.org data?

We could use this list a bit more for such things, too. But it may assume
more technical background in RDF and related things than everyone has here.

Anyway, below is latest Jena toolkit which is one of several applicable
tools for working with Schema data.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Andy Seaborne <andy@apache.org>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 at 14:11
Subject: [ANN] Apache Jena 4.1.0
To: users@jena.apache.org <users@jena.apache.org>

The Apache Jena development community is pleased to
announce the release of Apache Jena 4.1.0

In this release:

* RDF-star implementation up-to-date with community work.

* IRIx fixes

* Datasets+RDFS

JENA-2081: Add /$/compact/* endpoint to Fuseki main
Brandon Sarà

JENA-2096: Add CLI&Fuseki parameters to delete old DB after compaction
Brandon Sarà

JENA-2086: TDB2 improvement - read under load
   report and analysis : Zak Mc Kracken

JENA-1262: Sorting prefixes in pretty Turtle output
Merlin Bögershausen

Documentation edits:
Leon Poon

JENA-2110: a quick reference section to documentation/tools/
Bob DuCharme



JENA-2107 : Performance fix (Lorenz Bühmann)
JENA-2103 : Align to RDF-star community work
JENA-2080 : RDF-star/Trix-star

IRI cleanup:
JENA-2097 : UUID IRIs cause RiotException
JENA-2094 : Valid IRI using @ Symbol causes error

Graph API:
JENA-2909: Add Graph.stream(s,p,o)
JENA-2091: Add Graph.add(s,p,o) and Graph.delete(s,p,o)

27 tickets this release:

== Obtaining Apache Jena 4.1.0

* Via central.maven.org

The main jars and their dependencies can used with:


Full details of all maven artifacts are described at:


* As binary downloads

Apache Jena libraries are available as a binary distribution of
libraries. For details of a global mirror copy of Jena binaries please see:


* Source code for the release

The signed source code of this release is available at:


and the signed source for all Apache Jena releases is available
at: https://archive.apache.org/dist/jena/

== Contributing

If you would like to help out, a good place to look is the list of
unresolved JIRA at:


or review pull requests at


or drop into the dev@ list.

We use github pull requests and other ways for accepting code:

Received on Friday, 4 June 2021 13:41:07 UTC