RE: Suggestion for new category

There is a TheaterEvent that could be expanded from this list.

From: Webmestre Globetrottoirs []
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 1:05 PM
Subject: Suggestion for new category


I am working on a theater group website.

When trying to code micro-data, I felt that the following schema is missing.

In the "Creativework" schema, could we add "TheaterPlay", which would have the following properties :

Name - expected type : text - description : the name of the play
Author - expected type : text - description : the author of the play
Director - expected type : text - description : the person who directed the play
Actor - expected type : text - description : the actors of the play
Character - expected type : text - description : the characters of the play
Composer - expected type : text - description : the composer of the music used in the play
Genre - expected type : text - description : the genre of the play (eg : musical theatre, gesture theatre, pantomime, ...)
StageDesigner - expected type : text - description : the person who designed the settings
WardrobeKeeper - expected type : text - description : the person who designed or created the wardrobe.

It could be also usefull to create schema related to dance or mime, etc...

Do you think it is possible to do this ?

Thank you for your answer.


Stéphane Reboul

Received on Thursday, 3 March 2016 14:18:16 UTC