Re: SchemaBibEx and

Hi Richard,

> On Mar 11, 2015, at 6:28 PM, Wallis,Richard <> wrote:
> An external extraction misses two important attributes that are features of a reviewed extension.
> 1)
> A reviewed extension is something that has been looked at and discussed by the
> community, albeit not as much as something in the core. Whereas an external extension would be independently created

Yes, I definitely see the value in this. But a subdomain is not required. The editors could review an external extension and decide to incorporate all or bits of it into proper when they have time.

> 2) A
> reviewed extension gets its own chunk of
> namespace. This should not be underestimated in its potential for broad adoption.

I still don’t get why a is preferable to having things integrated properly into etc.


Received on Thursday, 12 March 2015 09:48:47 UTC