Re: An initial proposal for

Dear Richard, Owen, et al.,

I'd also like to know more about the proposed timeline for discussion here.
I'm particularly concerned about the "Archive Containers/Collection" set in
Richard's original message. If I remember correctly, the original schema
bib group didn't address archival metadata, and there weren't any
archivists engaged in the conversation. I think we need to think very
carefully about extending the bib extensions into another -- albeit related
-- domain without appropriate representation from that group. It was hard
enough reaching consensus on the bibliographic stuff the first time around.

I suspect this comment is also related to the discussion of Toys and Kits
going on in other threads, as those types are largely used in cataloging
for special collections & archives.

A better sense of timing would be useful, as I think I'd like to start
pointing some of my archives metadata colleagues to this thread.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 5:14 AM, Owen Stephens <> wrote:

> Thanks Richard,
> While I understand that having something in doesn’t
> preclude their use elsewhere, we clearly don’t want to do something that
> causes problems further down the line or leads libraries to describe
> materials in a way that is different to others using If we
> had simply approached ‘comics’ as we describe them in libraries we would
> have ended up with something much poorer than what we’ve actually got
> through the work of Dan and others.
> I’m not that keen on an approach that simply takes what libraries
> currently do and converts it into - I still feel if this is
> ‘bib’ schema it should focus on that aspect. Otherwise we should be talking
> about ‘lib’ schema instead.
> Anyway, would it be possible for you to lay out a proposed timetable for
> discussion and agreement/publication of these elements and properties?
> I’m going to keep going on my concerns about Toy and Kit in a different
> thread…
> Owen
> Owen Stephens
> Owen Stephens Consulting
> Web:
> Email:
> Telephone: 0121 288 6936
> On 15 Apr 2015, at 17:04, Wallis,Richard <> wrote:
>  Hi Owen,
>  You are right to identify the slightly rushed element of this proposal
> as we are hoping to take advantage of an imminent release.
>  To that end the set of obvious initial candidates for discussion - most
> of <> and the comics proposal - were
> slimed down by Dan Scott and me into a less controversial sub-set.  Neither
> of us are precious about any of these.
>  The General Bibliographic Types & Properties all came into this proposal
> from the <> vocabulary, designed as
> an open extension to <>.  The need for the
> types and properties within it came from analysing the bibliographic
> descriptions within <> and therefore by
> inference information that librarians needed to capture for their
> organisations and collections.
>  Within these there are a few new CreativeWork subtypes.  Some are fairly
> obvious (Newspaper, Atlas, MusicScore, Thesis,  Chapter) some less obvious
> (Kit, Toy).  In support of Kit & Toy I would say they are both used in
> bibliographic description - for example in toy collections/libraries in the
> same way as kits [I’m sure there could be a better word] of materials are
> often catalogued and circulated by libraries.  You are right to suggest
> that they may well be applicable within other domains, but being in
> does not preclude their use elsewhere or promoting to the
> core at a later date.
>  Meeting, Agent, & PublicationSeries, although not discussed in this
> group have well understood application in describing relationships and
> resources in the bibliographic domain.
>  The MapCategoryType:CartographicMap
> <> does not seek to define a
> Cartographic as such.  It just makes available the ability to differentiate
> one from Transit Maps and Seat Maps.
>  The archive containers types and properties are new, and address the
> description of how items in an archive are contained as against the
> semantic description of those items.  The Collection type although of
> relevance to archives is equally applicable to library and other
> collections.
>  What is missing, except for the comic related proposals, are examples to
> go with the proposals that we need to work on.
>   ~Richard
>  On 15 Apr 2015, at 16:20, Owen Stephens <> wrote:
>  Richard,
>  I feel like breaking down this list further into types and properties
> would be useful for discussion?
> Also pointers to any existing work/discussions on each type/property? Or a
> summary for each thing. I know comics have been discussed extensively and
> don’t want to re-hash anything there. On the otherhand some of these are
> completely new and I think deserve a bit more consideration before we put
> them forward.
>  My overarching concern is that we have a list of ‘types’ that are based
> on how we currently break things down in libraries, rather than with
> specific use cases in mind. For example Kit might be better part of a
> learning materials extension, Toy as part of products, and it feels like
> ‘cartographic materials’ are probably an area all to themselves.
>  I don’t necessarily object to these being part of a bib extension
> (certainly ‘atlas’ fits clearly into scope), but some of this feels a bit
> rushed unless there is discussion I’ve missed?
>  Owen
>   Owen Stephens
> Owen Stephens Consulting
>  Web:
> Email:
> Telephone: 0121 288 6936
>  On 14 Apr 2015, at 22:26, Wallis,Richard <> wrote:
>  Hi all,
>  A few weeks back we discussed how this group or some of its members
> could participate as a bibliographic domain group to propose and review a
> bibliographic extension to with the current working name of
>  Since then I have been liaising with Dan Brickley and others in the main
> <> group who have been working to establish
> the hosting software that enables the extension capability.  This work is
> now close to being ready for release.  Dan has indicated that this provides
> an excellent opportunity for a bibliographic extension to be one of, if not
> the first, enabled and released in this way.  In preparation for this, Dan
> Scott and I have put together a candidate set of types and properties that
> could constitute an initial bib extension release, which this email
> introduces.
>  There are many potential candidates for new/enhanced types and
> properties which the finessing and accepting of which would need to be the
> subject of some in depth discussion within this group.  To take advantage
> of the opportunity to release along with the capability release, however,
> we need to agree a starting subset fairly quickly.  To that end Dan and I
> have drawn up this initial (1.0) proposal consisting of what we believe to
> be things that are fairly noncontroversial.
>  I list the proposed types and properties below with links to their
> representation in a development version of the
> <> site.  They are in three independent groups of
> proposals, for general bibliographic markup; some helpful things for the
> physical structure of archives & basic collections; and for comics.
>  We can accept/reject either individual types and properties, or a whole
> group, because we need to explore things in more depth and defer things to
> a later release.  I would hope though that fairly quickly we could come to
> at least a subset of these as an initial release.
>  A reminder that Dan Brickley is still working on the software capable of
> handling extensions so please view the content more than how it currently
> displays.
>  General Bibliographic Types & Properties
>    - Agent <>
>    - Atlas <>
>    - Chapter <>
>    - Globe <>
>    - Kit <>
>    - Meeting <>
>    - Newspaper <>
>    - MusicScore <>
>    - PublicationSeries <>
>    - Thesis <>
>    - Toy <>
>    - BookFormatType:AudioBook <>
>    - BookFormatType:LargePrintBook
>    <>
>    - BookFormatType:PrintBook <>
>    - MapCategoryType:CartographicMap
>    <>
>    - inSupportOf <>
>    - translationOfWork <>
>    - translator <>
>    - workTranslation <>
>  Archive Containers/Collection
>    - BoxContainer <>
>    - Collection <>
>    - Container <>
>    - FolderContainer <>
>    - Shelf <>
>    - contains <>
>    - containedIn <>
>  Comics
>    - ComicIssue <>
>    - ComicSeries <>
>    - ComicStory <>
>    - CoverArt <>
>    - ComicCoverArt <>
>    - BookFormatType:GraphicNovel <>
>    - artist <>
>    - colorist <>
>    - inker <>
>    - letterer <>
>    - penciler <>
>    - publisherImprint <>
>    - variantCover <>
>  I look forward to comments.
>  ~Richard.

Corey A Harper
Metadata Services Librarian
New York University Libraries
20 Cooper Square, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003-7112

Received on Thursday, 16 April 2015 14:53:10 UTC