Re: schema-course-extend: credential or award offered through course.

P: educationalCredentialAwarded
d: Course
r: {Text, Thing}

Should this be

P: credentialAwarded
r: {Credential, CredentialInstance}

P: educationalCredentialAwarded  (subPropertyOf) credentialAwarded
d: Course
r: {EducationalCredential, CredentialInstance}


Credential > EducationalCredential > Degree
Credential > EducationalCredential > Degree > BachelorDegree
Credential > EducationalCredential > Certificate
Credential > EducationalCredential > Certification
Credential > EducationalCredential > Badge > OpenBadge
Credential > EducationalCredential > Badge > cert-schema (OpenBadge +

*Are there instances where e.g. Certificate, Certification, and Badge*
*are not EducationalCredentials*
*(just regular Credentials)?*

EducationalCredential may be more useful as an annotation class?

CTI models this as credType, which requires a WHERE _ IN query to list
things of this type (because there's no expansions of class lineage without
Enumerated classes which are a subClassOf e.g. Credential or
EducationalCredential or Degree or Certificate):

Scope justification:

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 8:05 AM, Phil Barker <> wrote:

> On 20/06/16 12:26, Dan Brickley wrote:
>> On 17 June 2016 at 17:32, Steve Midgley <>
>> wrote:
>>> I agree that credential has many meanings across industries. I agree we
>>> should try to find a term that unambiguously locates this credential as
>>> educational. So, being a frequent simpleton, I'll suggest
>>> "educationalCredential"
>> This is an improvement.
>> A friend I was talking to over the weekend suggested using the related
>> term "accreditation". How does that sound to this community? To my
>> ears it has all the right associations, and is much less evocative of
>> lower-level technical notions of credential...
>> Dan
>> OK. As property name I am going to suggest educationalCredentialAwarded
> because we might in the future want EducationalCredential as a class name.
> So, my proposal is that in order to meet the use case that people can
> search for courses that offers a qualification the searcher would like to
> acquire we create a new property
> educationalCredentialAwarded domain Course, range Text or Thing.
> Definition: a description of the qualification, award, certificate,
> diploma or other educational credential awarded as a consequence of
> successful completion of this course.
> When the educational credentials/verifiable claims community have sorted
> out how they want to describe their domain in then I hope we
> will have some more specific schema type(s) that we can point to, but for
> now this seems to me to be good enough to solve the use case. Solving the
> bigger issue seems beyond the scope of this community group.
> Phil
> --
> --
> Phil Barker           @philbarker
> LRMI, Cetis, ICBL
> Heriot-Watt University
> Ubuntu:
>   not so much an operating system as a learning opportunity.

Received on Monday, 20 June 2016 17:50:12 UTC