Re: schema-course-extend: Organizations providing and offering course

On 01/06/16 15:14, Stuart Sutton wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 3:23 AM, Phil Barker < 
> <>> wrote:
> ...
>     Richard has suggested using the existing  offeredBy [2] property
>     to indicate who is making the course available.
>     "Both Course and CourseInstance inherit the offers property which
>     would be used to identify individual Offer(s).  Offer has the
>     offeredBy property to reference the offering
>     organisation/institution."
>     [
>     RJW]
>     That seems sound, but I do have a concern that it ends up being
>     quite complex, is anyone going to argue for the simpler option of
>     extending the range of offeredBy so that it can be used on Course
>     & CourseInstance directly?
> Phil,I think you meant extending the domain and not the range of 
> offeredBy?
Yes, my mistake.

> A legitimate, useful argument can be made for extending the domain of 
> offeredBy to include Course. An assertion that a Course is offeredBy a 
> particular Organization or set of Organizations would be useful 
> without reference to a particular Offer. I have some difficulty with 
> such an extension to CourseInstance because it is, in a way, a 
> particular offer (lower case).

   Course --offeredBy--> Organization
is useful, intuitive and simpler than
   Course --hasCourseInstance--> CourseInstance --offers--> Offer 
--offeredBy--> Organization

Once you're describing a CourseInstance the simplification is less.

>     Neither <> nor
> <> fully cover what it
>     means for an organization to provide a course. I propose a new
>     property to cover this:
>     provider, a property of Course with expect range Organization,
>     being the Organization which is responsible for providing the
>     educational input for the course, e.g. providing content,
>     educational events, assessments, accreditation etc.
> Would a provider property solve the "endorsed" aspect of provenance 
> noted.

To some extent. In the UK, University courses for various subjects may 
be accredited by professional bodies (e.g. Law Society for Scotland, 
Royal Society of Architects, UK Engineering Council). It's probably more 
useful to say that the qualification or credential resulting from 
success in the course is recognised by these bodies for the purpose of 
being able to call oneself a Solicitor (US: legal counsel), an Architect 
or a Chartered Engineer. UK Universities may also accredit their own 
courses (in non-vocational subjects) and may accredit similar courses 
offered elsewhere (that is, independent colleges may work in partnership 
with a University to provide a degree-level programme which leads to a 
degree from the University). There is value knowing whether the course 
in question is from Oxford University or City University, Poppleton [1].

provider would work for the simplest of scenarios (Oxford vs Poppleton), 
it's not intended to solve the full accreditation of credential aspect.

I suspect that the "endorsed" aspect is too complex to tackle with a 
single property, it's an amalgam of too many different things that may 
be endorsed in different way.



>     I have started a wiki page for this requirement [3] and will work
>     up an example or two for it.
>     Phil
>     1.
>     2.
>     3.
>     -- 
>     --
>     Phil Barker           @philbarker
>     LRMI, Cetis, ICBL
>     Heriot-Watt University
>     Ubuntu:
>        not so much an operating system as a learning opportunity.

Phil Barker           @philbarker
Heriot-Watt University

   not so much an operating system as a learning opportunity.

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2016 14:51:41 UTC