Re: Spam Low: Examples Re: Modelling Course and CourseOffering

Cheers Phil, you have made a good job of cleaning up our rather messy markup.

You are right that the amount of markup per offering in HNC Accounting is quite small. There is another offering value that can affect the course offering tables which is our “courseFull” element, which can result in the Apply column:

apply online
course full
course closed
waiting list only

and you may currently see the “course full” value in offerings in:

I hesitate to release the source data and transform URLs, partly because they use the older XCRI Curriculum rather than the more efficient XCRI CAP, but I guess there may be value for some in looking at them, warts and all: (data) (transformation stylesheet)

The offering row markup starts on line 270 in the XSLT, and it should be simple enough to replace the vevent attribute with your markup there:

<tr rel="courseSection" typeOf="CourseOffering">


> On 16 Feb 2016, at 10:43, Phil Barker <> wrote:
> Hello all
> I have made a start on some examples by taking real world web pages that describe courses and simplifying them by stripping out the presentations / interactive code but keeping the basic HTML more or less the same. I have then added a little markup for Course and CourseOffering. I hope that as we do more properties this will help answer the questions around modelling.
> Example 1. Fife College's HNC Accounting Course
> Original:
> <>
> My copy:
> <>
> Extracted Triples N3(*):
> <>
> So far so good. There's one example there of what is essentially a single Offering page and another which is explicitly multi-offering, in both the amount of information that is solely about the offering is quite small.
> Phil

Received on Thursday, 18 February 2016 00:01:56 UTC