Re: tracking state changes in a temporal read-write web

On Fri, 21 May 2021 at 13:58, Jonas Smedegaard <> wrote:

> Quoting Melvin Carvalho (2021-05-21 13:34:52)
> > this is the outline of a strategy to track state changes in a temporal
> > read-write web
> >
> > by no means the only strategy, but an aim to generalize some of the
> > recent discussions
> Sorry, but I don't follow: What do you generalize and what is specific?

General outline, to tie something that evolves (over time) on the
read-write web, to an external timestamp server, which is designed to order
blocks of data in time

Specific would be an example strategy to do this using hashes to track
state on the web side, and on a block chain side

> Seems you generalize over *which* blockchain but talk specifically about
> blockchain-driven RWW.

So, it should be blockchain agnostic, to rely on a number of block chains
ordered in time, which allow two way links

The RWW data should also be quite general.  So no specific use case, but
rather, something that can be hashed.  So that would be any document, any
quad store, any file system, any git tree for example

> Do I understand that correctly, or what is otherwise general about it?

You probably have understood correctly, given I was not terribly clear in
my outline.  More a starting point that can be refined into spec, and an

It's definitely not a general solution to all temporal based read-write web
problems, for example in our discussions there were good points made about
local timestamping and global timestamping, I touched only on global, and
not local.  In that sense it was specific.

Aiming to outline one solution that can be part of the puzzle...

>  - Jonas
> --
>  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
>  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:
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Received on Friday, 21 May 2021 12:42:33 UTC