'Philosphical Engineering' Ontological Design - defined by 'thing's or [redefine]?

Question:  do we only care about 'things' or are we missing something?

Working on a top level ontology[1] via fluent editor[2], wondering whether
the top-level definition of 'thing'[3] is still considered adequate?

Re: defining 'thing', here's a few examples;

   - https://www.google.com/search?q=define+thing
   - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/thing
   - https://www.dictionary.com/browse/thing
   - https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/thing
   - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/thing
   - https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/thing
   - https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=a%20thing
   - https://schema.org/Thing

is there something that's worth thinking about how it might be better
addressed?  if so, how could a 'backwards compatibility' solution be
defined? or is there a solution i'm missing?

Whilst companies or legal personalities (incorporated entities) are clearly
'things'; many of the definitions clearly state in their definitions of
'thing' as "a material object without life or consciousness; an inanimate
object." or similar...  and then, there's broader stuff[4], like feelings,
thoughts, metaphysical considerations / implications; more than simply
record breaking 'toilet paper sales'...

In my diagrams[5], particularly[6] (nb: etherem symbol was only used
because, it was an available image... intention of my published works;
isn't entirely unincumbered in and of the derivative output 'thing' in and
of itself); and moreover[7] describes many interoperative layers, works
elsewhere appear to be building upon - such as the works on rulesascode[8].

therein - Ontological implications, quickly & poorly described (hopefully,
sufficiently nonetheless)...

One way of describing the underlying consideration is;
- there's a world of 'conscious experience' (not specific and/or exclusive
to mankind)
(aka 'the observer')
- linked to a world made by 'god' (ie: earth, our biosphere, the underlying
body of science / physics, as is distinct to our understanding or
intepretation of it);
- linked to a world of tools?  or things?

thereafter - temporal dynamics...

There's a 'common' understanding of things that are artificial or not
primarily physical (althought they may have physical implications)?

a 'law' is a concept; but it has an array of implicit properties /
characteristics / qualities; some are build upon 'pre web' or 'pre- ICT
industry' assumptions, so juristictional, which is a thing? that's
important for 'liberalised democracies' that is denoted as another

slavery is a 'thing' or an 'activity' or 'ideology'? that's linked to

'doctor' is a place? https://schema.org/Physician because it must be a
'thing'?  how would 'covid-19' policy be defined using
https://schema.org/Physician given its often media vendors and political
industry professionals providing definitions??  and tools...


Earth is a place.
Biosphere Entities are part-of-earth.
( https://www.britannica.com/science/biosphere )

Idea is a thing.
Symbol is a thing.
a vocabulary is many Symbols.
a vocabulary is a Medium.
a language requires a vocabulary.

ideology is a thing
a concept is a group of ideas
a law is a concept
social denotes the use of vocabulary via a medium

A world with more things, at the expense of life (deemed resources, as to
be 'things'?) is a form of ideological or philosphical design...

When looking to create articles that support the development of use-cases
and in-turn tooling / definitions / ecosystems - what are the MANDATORY
and/or OPTIONAL fields required for a linked & 'fit for purpose' temporal
use-case development form, fields & process...  (including consideration
for AI agents and their means of influence based upon programmatically
defined variable (as distinct to 'out of band' considerations).

Timothy Holborn.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_ontology
[2] https://www.cognitum.eu/download/download.aspx?id=1001
[3] https://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl
[4] https://github.com/WebCivics/ontologies

[6] https://miro.medium.com/max/3258/1*iGzdEyUWAzT7TDjU6IUvTQ.png
[7] https://miro.medium.com/max/4634/1*yR3LJBkX1hkymsDlBDqEhQ.png
[8] https://twitter.com/hashtag/rulesascode
[9] https://twitter.com/follysantidote/status/1393352111774003205

Received on Friday, 21 May 2021 12:52:37 UTC