Re: (human) identity fabric (agents concepts linked)

On 5/17/21 11:44 AM, Timothy Holborn wrote:
> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 01:09, Kingsley Idehen <
> <>> wrote:
>     On 5/17/21 6:00 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>     On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 02:24, Kingsley Idehen
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>         On 5/15/21 6:55 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>>         On Sun, 16 May 2021 at 00:09, Kingsley Idehen
>>>         < <>> wrote:
>>>             On 5/15/21 5:21 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>>>             On Sat, 15 May 2021 at 18:14, Kingsley Idehen
>>>>             <
>>>>             <>> wrote:
>>>>                 On 5/14/21 3:26 PM, Timothy Holborn wrote:
>>>>>                 Sorry, re: clarifications, 
>>>>>                 What did it do back in ~2011/2 when I first
>>>>>                 installed it? (Vs. now?). I can pull the dates,
>>>>>                 but you likely have them in your licensing
>>>>>                 server??  I was trying to do a POC via building a
>>>>>                 heritage capability as an initial usecase, at the
>>>>>                 time.... (supporting a Hysterical/ historical
>>>>>                 society)...
>>>>>                 Does it have more functionality since then?  I
>>>>>                 assumed the answer was "yes" particularly given
>>>>>                 the status of "web payments" (pre credentials),
>>>>>                 way back then (before I ended up on the lists,
>>>>>                 something, I didn't consider would ever happen in
>>>>>                 my life, at the time)...
>>>>>                 Limitations linked to creating a knowledge banking
>>>>>                 framework. I started concepts in 2000
>>>>>                 ("information bank" or ibank) which progressed to
>>>>>                 "knowledge banking" circa 2011/2012 after doing
>>>>>                 some work "updating" old work, from mid 2010
>>>>>                 (indigenous application started 2009/10).. 
>>>>>                 I think you're first "dataspaces" demo was
>>>>>                 2007???  V.interested in "temporal web" /
>>>>>                 provenance solutions.... 
>>>>>                 Dignity enhancing web (vs. web slavery, or worse).
>>>>>                 Timothy Holborn.
>>>>                 Hi Timothy,
>>>>                 Regarding Identity, Identification, Authentication,
>>>>                 and Authorization nothing has changed in Virtuoso.
>>>>                 What has changed outside Virtuoso, via
>>>>                 complimentary tools and services that we provide
>>>>                 are as follows:
>>>>                 [1] Browser Extensions for creating Private Keys,
>>>>                 X.509 Certificates, Identifiers (WebIDs and
>>>>                 NetIDs), and associated Profile Docs -- basically,
>>>>                 killing the headache left by predictable demise of
>>>>                 <keygen/>
>>>>                 [2] Setting up WebID-TLS + Delegation from a
>>>>                 Browser so that the whole thing "just works" and
>>>>                 users aren't exposed to what they may perceive as
>>>>                 complexity re entity relationship type (and
>>>>                 associated semantics) triangulation
>>>>                 The implications of the above are as follows, using
>>>>                 a Chromium or Mozilla browser:
>>>>                 [1] You can create credentials using your browser
>>>>                 that are stored to an OS-provided Keystore (e.g.,
>>>>                 macOS Keychain) or PKCS#12 file
>>>>                 [2] You can write data to a Data Space (e.g.,
>>>>                 OpenLink Data Spaces or Solid Pod) subject to ACLs
>>>>                 using WebID-TLS (with Delegation if so desired
>>>>                 i.e., kill off the UI/UX issues associated with
>>>>                 browser restarts since Person and their User Agents
>>>>                 have distinguished, but related identity)
>>>>                 Tools that demonstrate these capabilities include:
>>>>                 [1] YouID <>
>>>>                 [2] OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer
>>>>                 <>
>>>>                 [3] OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer for Mozilla
>>>>                 <>
>>>>                 As for Virtuoso, it hasn't changed bar adding
>>>>                 support for WebID-OIDC which enables compatibility
>>>>                 with Solid Pods for read-write operations via
>>>>                 WebDAV/LDP mounting functionality etc..
>>>>                 Long story short, we are still waiting for everyone
>>>>                 to catch up :)
>>>>             OpenLink certainly has been ahead of the curve
>>>>             I'm reminded of OSDB:
>>>>             <>
>>>>             In particular this image:
>>>>             <>
>>>>             This is the kind of thing I envisage as a next
>>>>             iteration of the read write web
>>>>             The idea here being that each of those modular agents
>>>>             are moving in time to a certain rhythm
>>>>             I dont think we can easily make something like in that
>>>>             diagram today, aside from how the web already
>>>>             operates.  You visit a page, you might tweet it, or
>>>>             share it, it gets indexed by a search engine etc.  Yes,
>>>>             it one way, but alot of centralization build in there
>>>>             What if the web had a more temporal set of heart beats
>>>>             which the agents could be small, compact, modular,
>>>>             robust.  Also finite in nature due to block chains
>>>>             being finite resources.  Or as stated in paper trail
>>>>             some teams collaborating or competing in different
>>>>             contests.
>>>>             What is needed? 
>>>>             - Tying read write agents to block chains using URIs
>>>>             (so standardize a URI scheme to hook into a block chain)
>>>>             - Ways to create fragments of a block chain that can
>>>>             live as mirrored claims (so some schema)
>>>>             - Ability to traverse chains in type, and data in time
>>>>             - Ability to save the state of the agents, as well as
>>>>             perhaps the logic, the code, the deployment (we have
>>>>             VCS for this)
>>>>             - Ability for state to evolve in time, so watching for
>>>>             changes, for deployments
>>>>             - Ability to identify agents (URIs) and described them
>>>>             (Linked Data)
>>>>             - Ability for agents to interact with one another, read
>>>>             write verbs (e.g. PUT/POST/PATCH)
>>>>             All this can come from leveraging existing timestamp
>>>>             servers, providing a heartbeat for multi agent read
>>>>             write systems, largely gluing together the pieces we
>>>>             already have
>>>>             Perhaps OpenLink can lead the way again here, and we
>>>>             can devise a spec together.  The aim is that gif
>>>>             above.  What tools can we use to get there?
>>>             Hi Melvin,
>>>             As you know, we are always happy to lead by example
>>>             especially when specs are in place that offer critical
>>>             foundation for interoperability. Personally, I believe
>>>             that are a significant number of specs in place, hence
>>>             our ability to quietly create the OpenLink Structured
>>>             Data Bot Framework (OSDB).
>>>             Going forward, we are currently looking at URIs and
>>>             Blockchains which is an emerging and important frontier
>>>             as you've already noted in your comments above.
>>>         Excellent!
>>>         So how advanced is the OSDB?  What can it do?  I've made a
>>>         few bots before, and perhaps you'll agree with me on this,
>>>         they are nice enough proof of concepts, but they are
>>>         somewhat toothless.  They lack robustness, and need
>>>         maintenance.  Can easily be turned on or off, and very much
>>>         prone to race conditions.  After all of this, they tend not
>>>         to be all that useful.
>>         OSDB can generate a REST-ful interaction console for any API
>>         described using the OpenAPI standard or RDF (e.g., Actions
>>         described using terms from the Vocabulary).
>>         Naturally, any OSDB instance is a proxy for interacting with
>>         all the Actions that it has distilled from API documentation.
>>         OSDB was developed in anticipation of Siri and friends
>>         becomes extensible via APIs. For example, simply giving Siri
>>         new skills which are basically a collection of Actions.
>>         We are still waiting ...
>>>         Let's give a test.  Let's say I want to make a simple step
>>>         counter.  It hooks into my smart watch.
>>         You simply need the counter to be documented using either
>>         OpenAPI or RDF, that's it.
>>>         It hooks into my phone pedometer, my treadmill, a bunch of
>>>         stuff running at the same time. 
>>         Once the step above is completed you can integrate into any
>>         device that has the notion of Actions and their execution.
>>>         It then wants to store my data, and ensure that all devices
>>>         can write to the store without conflicts.  Also, importantly
>>>         the store might go down in a DB or a pod or git, and it
>>>         should just be able to come back up elsewhere, ditto the bot
>>>         that is managing all of this.
>>>         In your terminology, "it just works".
>>         It will "Just Work" if the IoT devices understand Actions
>>         distilled from API by way of documentation using OpenAPI or
>>         RDF (e.g., using terms from or other vocabs).
>>>         So how close do you think we are to this, with your bots? 
>>         The "Bot" is OSDB is really about its ability to be
>>         integrated into bots rather than being a bot itself per se..
>>         It is a Bot capability enhancer, so to speak.
>>>         This is the style of thing I'd like to spec with a supra
>>>         operating system that offers web scale semaphores.  That's
>>>         what binding to a time stamp server gives you.
>>>         So, what's required to do this?
>>         So-called Smart Agents like Siri, Alexa, Google etc.. being
>>         extensible using a common method e.g., the OpenAPI or RDF
>>         standards. This hasn't happened yet, unfortunately. We even
>>         assumed the API Economy folks (typically anti RDF) would at
>>         least use OpenAPI (their own spec) but that hasn't happened
>>         either :(
>>     There are a lot of anti RDF folks out there. 
>     Yes.
>>     We've always tried to encourage (semantic) web standards and RDF
>>     in this group.  There are more standards now emerging around
>>     JSON(-LD) and <> is becoming a de
>>     facto standard for the semantic web
>     Yes, JSON is becoming the preferred format for data represented as
>     entity relationship graphs. Like everything else, unbeknownst to
>     RDF detractors, JSON and RDF are compatible since the former is a
>     data representation format and the latter a abstract data
>     definition language.
>     We punctuate the comment above in our recent OSDS updates that
>     transform both JSON and CSV to RDF deployed using Linked Data
>     principles. Fundamentally, you click and "it just works!"
>>     Regarding Smart Agents instead of massive centralized personal
>>     assistants, why dont we aim to create more decentralized and
>>     distributed personal agents with declarative data store state
>>     machines which operate on via standards (perhaps ones we create). 
>>     Working with "small data" rather than "big data"
>     Our world view has always been about "small data" rather than "big
>     data" i.e., data access by reference rather than data copying
>     which is fundamentally limited and inherently centralized.
>>     But working together
>>     Dont know much about OpenAPI, would it be a good inspiration for
>>     a spec?
>     It isn't widely adopted by its own supporters which indicates to
>     me that it isn't "good inspiration for a spec".
>     Logic as the universal conceptual schema is the spec, IMHO.
>     RDF as a formalization of EAV is the abstract language for data
>     definition informed by a universal conceptual schema, despite all
>     the distractions from detractors.
>     At OpenLink, we believe the specs are done. We are putting our
>     energy into apps and services that demonstrate what's possible etc..

Hi Timothy,

> So then; the belief is that the ideological / social / geo-political
> issues; are simply about a lack of documentation due to the focal
> point of workers & the tasks assigned to them? 

Personally, I don't think documentation is the issue. The issues as more
to do with politics, power, and control.

The Web unleashed power, despite its marginal exploitation at best, that
terrifies many.

> by all means, that's a far easiest problem to solve.  
> I'm mindful; that the shape of a spear, is similar to the shape of a
> pen; and is in-turn similar, to the shame of a mouse-cursor...  
> maybe the solution can be made, in 'one click'..?

More or less, once you subscribe to the deep powers of URIs :)

> Timothy Holborn.


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Received on Monday, 17 May 2021 23:32:18 UTC