Re: A Quick Note on WebID history - Re: All the Agents Challenge (ATAC) at ISWC 2021

On Sun, 25 Jul 2021 at 12:33, Timothy Holborn <>

> On Sun, 25 Jul 2021, 8:17 pm Melvin Carvalho, <>
> wrote:
>> IMHO we need a JSON based version of WebID, perhaps an extension of
>>, as a basis to create a modern read-write web
> Well, clearly the verifiable claims DID based URIS (ie: "vaccine
> passports") aren't being baked into WebID-TLS ATM. (AFAIK).
> Indeed WebID doesn't appear to get a mention...
> But I don't like, what I consider to be early stage usecases being
> healthcare orientated.
> ATM the SSI people are claiming credit, which might end up being a good
> thing in the end.

So, I think there are basically different eco systems.  DID and WebID etc.
In theory, they have similar routes, and in theory can interoperate.  But
in reality they are two separate things.

For example, try adding a did: into a WebID document while complying to
both specs.  I dont think you can do it

So that leaves the question as where things stand with the standards based
approach to the : read-write web / social web / identity / credentials etc.

Because there's more than just one standards based approach

IMO the thing people like alot about did: is that it's in JSON.  But it
doesnt easily include HTTP URIs which still have a significant network
effect (granted most dont use webid).

There's definitely value at the intersection of these two diverged

> Certainly I don't see people wanting their names in lights as there's
> protests around the world (notwithstanding the desire by some to bank the
> money, I assume).
> I suspect there will be an opportunity to review the ecosystem when things
> settle down a bit.  Seems alot of leaders are in the midst of a steep
> learning curve about health, identity, AI and much more.
> Seems safe to assume they'll be more interested in future.
> We need #RealityCheckTech. Appetite is becoming increasingly mainstream
> every time people get let out of their houses & protest down the street, in
> so many cities.
> Gosh.
> Timothy Holborn.

Received on Sunday, 25 July 2021 14:39:28 UTC