Re: A Quick Note on WebID history - Re: All the Agents Challenge (ATAC) at ISWC 2021

On Sun, 25 Jul 2021, 8:17 pm Melvin Carvalho, <>

> IMHO we need a JSON based version of WebID, perhaps an extension of
>, as a basis to create a modern read-write web

Well, clearly the verifiable claims DID based URIS (ie: "vaccine
passports") aren't being baked into WebID-TLS ATM. (AFAIK).

Indeed WebID doesn't appear to get a mention...

But I don't like, what I consider to be early stage usecases being
healthcare orientated.

ATM the SSI people are claiming credit, which might end up being a good
thing in the end.

Certainly I don't see people wanting their names in lights as there's
protests around the world (notwithstanding the desire by some to bank the
money, I assume).

I suspect there will be an opportunity to review the ecosystem when things
settle down a bit.  Seems alot of leaders are in the midst of a steep
learning curve about health, identity, AI and much more.

Seems safe to assume they'll be more interested in future.

We need #RealityCheckTech. Appetite is becoming increasingly mainstream
every time people get let out of their houses & protest down the street, in
so many cities.


Timothy Holborn.


Received on Sunday, 25 July 2021 10:33:31 UTC