- From: Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 05:04:07 +1000
- To: public-rww <public-rww@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAM1Sok27ppUe8_da39s317VBKhMke=9Ci3=W4b8440yTS00xjw@mail.gmail.com>
Couple things, History informs choice, or perverts it....depending on what character traits societies want to promote or punish, choices are made. quick bit of history (still a little irritated). [image: ValueChain.jpg] image source https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1oUsSlPEh8erOdkQJCLzFHBaqp7AYOJCqDw82YrCg9f4/edit (NB found: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01227529/document ) https://slicingpie.com/the-grunt-fund-calculator/ is good too... always good to check dates; hopefully, it'll become easier, in future... Manu went about engaging in a contract pursuing educational credentials. It then appeared that he needed SBIR funding. We spoke about it, but he complained that he needed resources to even go after the grants. I kinda understood this due to a former business partner (2000-2) who did similar things (gov grants, biz plans, etc) locally ( https://bsi.com.au/ ); but didn't know how it went in the US, so I asked someone I thought would know. (per below). Whilst Manu later got SBIR funding, and I wonder if these actions led to "Respect Network" becoming more involved with credentials; it's still presently not as clear as could be useful for future purposes. The history of how that came about would be great to chart out... In anycase, See below... IMO: it is important to fill in the gaps. I know what I did in past to support the growth of knowledge banking systems, #RealityCheckTech - cyber support for #RuleOfLaw. And I know I have an archive that goes back some 20+ years on my work, with so much done over the last decade... i know and am mindful of the sorts of considerat ions that went into "verifiable claims" (rather than, 'identity credentials'). I don't think Victor knows it's now being used to power vaccine passports globally... But I also don't really want to follow-up with him about it, for various complicated reasons that go back to old issues, more than a decade overall; key to why the 'access to justice' use cases, the use cases where I wanted to record an environment via any media, then transcoded / phonetic analysis, all the stuff I first knew about from NMXS back in 2001 (transcoding digibetas & making them searchable, for cable tv distribution in the US) + so much more; to ensure, human rights of kids were easily able to be protected in a court of law. Just show the judge what happened... have the means to present the digital evidence when it matters most. Rather than letting immoral people assault kids, in darkness, with no evidence, for profits, for income; Income that is all too often, government paid (only caring about the next promotion, kinda people) - so i thought, build capability for low-cost truth telling in courts of law. fix problems, rather than engage in 'fairy-tale narrative' warfare, like a bunch of creatives on the astroturf late at night at the standard hotel in LA... Yet, knowing that wasn't something people here would have invested their time in solving; it was convenient that it fit into an ecosystem, what I called the knowledge banking ecosystem, and if it worked; it would solve that problem I cared most about in this generation of adults, not the next. So much progress since, but verifiable claims as 'vaccine passport', has very little to do with the protection of the human rights of kids. Indeed even providing verifiable claims in the sex worker industry (ie; mental health check, ensuring they're able to voluntarily make choices about their own lives & "of sound mind", etc.) to protect against human trafficking, na... Can't do that yet either... Not as profitable as helping out pharma, like we're all experts in pathology... "He thought he could build a secure system for people to access their personal computer functions, plus their favourite TV programs, movies, any kind of media, over the internet. "It was a* Bill Gates take-over-the-world platform*," he says. It sounds like a young man's grandiosity, but some of Australia's leading IT figures looked at his idea and liked it." Source June 19, 2004 - https://www.theage.com.au/national/start-me-up-20040619-gdy1tc.html In anycase: I think if the claim is that only coders are useful or that other similar statements made are going to be considered; then, I can keep providing more insights overtime about good faith work done in past and perhaps we can better clarify what happened, prior to those court hearings globally re: vaccine passports and related globalist affairs linked to mass toilet paper shortages and other amazing illustrations of ideologically compliant moral flexibility by some of our colleagues. There's alot of none coders who want to know what happened, and some of those noncoders have stockpiles of toilet paper to protect their health, as a consequence of the work done by so few here... (Population went up last year?) As noted, fairly irritated. I hope the underlying problems can be appropriately addressed as to optimise real-world productivity (/quality of life) throughout the western world (& elsewhere generally also), asap. As a consequence of this line of enquiry (per below) back in 2015, I then ended up doing a bunch of work on community tv, which is on the list around that time; a man called Tony Scott helped me with some financial / proposal works, extending from the aforementioned work with "Alex" amongst others... Tony later died tragically. RIP Tony Scott. Alot of big changes happened in AU law relating to modern slavery, domestic violence, anti-money laundering & related improvements around protections against financial crimes, etc. Obviously, part of what verifiable claims is suppose to help with; is KYC/AML. (Anti money laundering). I guess they're planning on upgrading the use cases for vaccine passports once implemented; I'd guess, they'll be plugged into prominent silicon valley global platforms, where they'll be managing the AI to help eradicate Content about particular subjects, whilst selling as much toilet paper as the climate change politics will allow. (Zombies). As noted; my work, is on #realitychecktech I found the cognitive AI CG, I think it makes more sense to look at how that layer is intended to work; then backfill. history below... Timothy Holborn. re: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Perton ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Victor Perton <redacted> Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2015, 6:55 am hi Subject: Re: SBIR Writer To: Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com>, Anton Nekic <redacted> Dear Anton and Tim, maybe the two of you could collaborate on this project. Vic Anton, Tim write to me saying "*Looking for someone US based, ideally in or near MA; or, VIC. Australia, to help with a U.S. Application around http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246440 <http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246440>"* *Vic* *Victor Perton* *Adviser, Advocate and wise Counsel* <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=1616303&authType=name&authToken=w8kb&trk=hp-feed-member-name> *Senior Adviser, Oppeus International <http://www.oppeus.com/> - **“Finding and Supporting Great Leaders”* *Principal, Victor Perton Global Partners* *Board Member, Australian Government's Council on Australian Latin American Relations (COALAR) <http://www.dfat.gov.au/people-to-people/foundations-councils-institutes/coalar/pages/council-for-australia-latin-america-relations-coalar.aspx>* *Steering Committee, Griffith University's Global Integrity Summit <http://integrity20.org/about/team/>* Redacted *Connect to Victor via Social Media* Linkedin <http://www.linkedin.com/in/victorperton> Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/victor.perton> Twitter <https://twitter.com/victorperton> Pinterest <http://pinterest.com/victorperton/> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:14 PM, Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com> wrote: > > > > > *Hi Victor,Looking for someone US based, ideally in or near MA; or, VIC. > Australia, to help with a U.S. Application around > http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246440 > <http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246440>Tim.* >
- image/jpeg attachment: ValueChain.jpg
Received on Friday, 13 August 2021 19:05:01 UTC