(Pre-)Intent to Deprecate: <keygen> element and application/x-x509-*-cert MIME handling
[SenticNet] CFP: IEEE CIM Special Issue on Computational Intelligence for Big Social Data Analysis
- feeds (Saturday, 11 July)
A simple clipboard app
A simple video display app
CFP: Final Call for Posters and Demonstrations -- ISWC-2015 (Deadline extended to 7th July, 2015)
creating a decentralized web of trust
Definition of AI 'Weapons'
Fwd: (Pre-)Intent to Deprecate: <keygen> element and application/x-x509-*-cert MIME handling
Fwd: A webmention endpoint implementation
Fwd: Browser-based Credential API
Fwd: LD Patch Format WG Note published
Fwd: navigator.auth.get
Fwd: Research Assistant/Associate Position at QCRI
helloworld app
Read Write Web — Q2 Summary — 2015 [via Read Write Web Community Group]
SoLiD Chess app
SoLiD Data Explorer
some github webids
webCrypto client-certificate generation
Last message date: Friday, 31 July 2015 13:15:21 UTC