Re: creating a decentralized web of trust

On 26 July 2015 at 17:54, Kjetil Kjernsmo <> wrote:

> On Saturday 25. July 2015 21.34.24 Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> > I multiply the #followers * 3 up to a maximum of 30 followers.  e.g.
> >
> > -- 90%
> > -- 9 followers = 27%
> >
> > I am looking for ideas on how to improve this algorithm, or maybe find a
> > set of algorithms people can choose from to get out a trust score
> > (however i am scpetical people will have time to code them).
> Very cool already!
> To convert numbers in an interval from 0 to something unbounded into
> something, I tend to suggest functions that will do it, rather than cap.
> For example
> 1-e^(-x)
> That will always make sure that the number you get back is in the [0,1)
> intervall, if the input is in the [0,Inf] interval.
> And then, you can add some factors to adjust it. The first thing to do is
> that you might like it to be in the [0,100) interval instead, and then you
> just do
> 100*(1-e^(-x))
> and then, you probably want to adjust how fast the score goes up, to do
> that, you can introduce a factor r, like this:
> 100*(1-e^(-x/r))
> You can then adjust r based on your assumptions of what a "large x" would
> be. So, following your example, where 30 is a large number of followers
> that should result in 90%, you'd have r = 15.
> You could fire up R (see ) to explore the
> function, you could define it like this:
> score <- function(x, raise) {
>   return (100*(1-exp(-x/raise)))
> }
> and then create an array with integers from 0 to 30:
> x <- seq(0,30)
> and then plot:
> plot(x,score(x, 15), type='l')
> But to use something more than just #followers for x, perhaps PageRank
> would be the modern way to compute it these days...? :-)

Quite interestingly I came across this site which already tries to "game"

Github has disabled the repo!

> Cheers,
> Kjetil

Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2015 14:01:40 UTC