Re: A New HTTP Status Code for Legally-restricted Resources

On 6/12/12 11:17 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> 3.  451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
>    This status code indicates that the server is subject to legal
>    restrictions which prevent it servicing the request.
>    Since such restrictions typically apply to all operators in a legal
>    jurisdiction, the server in question may or may not be an origin
>    server.  The restrictions typically most directly affect the
>    operations of ISPs and search engines.
>    Responses using this status code SHOULD include an explanation, in
>    the response body, of the details of the legal restriction; which
>    legal authority is imposing it, and what class of resources it
>    applies to.  For example:

Nice find! Also cc'd in LOD and DBpedia lists.

 From time to time, we get requests to remove entries from DBpedia and 
DBpedia-Live. Typically, if the page is deleted from Wikipedia it gets 
deleted automatically from the live editions and manually via the static 
edition. That said, I envisage a time when there's a deadlock re. 
Wikipedia content and a legal "cease and desist" notice sent to DBpedia 
-- in which case this code could be very useful :-)



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2012 16:09:19 UTC