Re: Update on Mozilla's - Open Badges

Excerpts from Melvin Carvalho's message of 2012-12-12 10:27:17 +0000:
> On 11 December 2012 17:27, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <>wrote:
> > just read post from their last sprint:
> >
> >
> >
> > some points bring to my mind RWW functionality, ex:
> > "VII. Backpack Connect - Autopush (badges by approved issuers
> > automatically pushed)
> >
> > Currently a badge earner must deliberately push every badge earned into
> > their backpack (batch approval does exist today, however) which could be a
> > clunky user experience. With auto-push, earner-approved issuers will be
> > able to automatically push earned badges into the earner’s backpack."
> >
> > maybe this system could give us an interesting, real live USE CASE to play
> > with? also since we want to incorporate topic of *Trust* such badges seam
> > very practical in terms of: *Who I trust in which field of interest*...
> > sort of granular certification system :)
> >
> >
> Yes, sure.  I think we have the technology to already start working on
> this.  The only thing we are short on, right now, is developer resources,
> but I'm cautiously optimistic for an uptick in 2013.
> One other thing I'd like to see is a personal endorsement and approval
> system, under user control, outside of the big silos, e.g. LinkedIn, XING
> etc.
personal endorsements sound very useful! i know tons of people saying *i want to leave CouchSurfing but loosing all the vouches and recommendations hurts*...

when it comes to OpenBadges, i sometimes have impression that folks from Mozilla sometimes stay on *their own trip* and possibly don't pay attention do developments in other corners of cyberspace ;) i would like to sometimes check their roadmap and suggest checking work in other groups which may match functionality they look for...

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 10:37:36 UTC