Re: Update on Mozilla's - Open Badges

On 11 December 2012 17:27, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <>wrote:

> just read post from their last sprint:
> some points bring to my mind RWW functionality, ex:
> "VII. Backpack Connect - Autopush (badges by approved issuers
> automatically pushed)
> Currently a badge earner must deliberately push every badge earned into
> their backpack (batch approval does exist today, however) which could be a
> clunky user experience. With auto-push, earner-approved issuers will be
> able to automatically push earned badges into the earner’s backpack."
> maybe this system could give us an interesting, real live USE CASE to play
> with? also since we want to incorporate topic of *Trust* such badges seam
> very practical in terms of: *Who I trust in which field of interest*...
> sort of granular certification system :)
Yes, sure.  I think we have the technology to already start working on
this.  The only thing we are short on, right now, is developer resources,
but I'm cautiously optimistic for an uptick in 2013.

One other thing I'd like to see is a personal endorsement and approval
system, under user control, outside of the big silos, e.g. LinkedIn, XING

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 10:27:47 UTC