Re: WebID Time Limit

On 8 Dec 2012, at 14:44, Jürgen Jakobitsch <> wrote:

> welcome to absurdistan.
> honestly, to me this has nothing to do with collaboration/consensus
> building anymore, it's bending and bowing until there's a webID
> definition that makes sure the community group is promoted a working
> group.

Why do you say that? 

At TPAC there were many people who voted for a hash in WebID

Here is the list of people who voted:

PROPOSAL: "A WebID is a hash HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. You can GET an RDF model as TURTLE."
<deiu> +1
<bblfish> +1
<jonathandray> +1
<rblin> +1
<gregory> +1
<sangrae> +1
<ttanaka2> +1
<jin> +1
<trueg_> +1
<melvster> 0
<gaiaphj> +1
<shh> +1
<chsiao> +1
<webr3> +1
<philipp> +1
<timbl> +1
<develD> +1

Them we got what seemed to be agreement on a hash as a SHOULD in teleconferences,
as TimBL came along. Some wanted a MUST, some a SHOULD, some nothing.

So then as the debate got infintely long, we put up a wiki so that people
help explain the argument to people who don't have the time to read 1 month of e-mail.
But that itself became just as complicted to read as the threads of discussion.

I know you are not happy Jürgen because you want any URI to be able to be
a WebID. I am sorry that we could not satisfy you there. But I did put up an
identity Interoperability space to show how all the other identifiers could be
tied together.

So this should not be a problem. This is a naming issue, and yes, getting into the 
W3C WG would help a lot.

> btw.: i already left webID community group a week ago.
> wkr turnguard
> On Sat, 2012-12-08 at 12:49 +0100, Henry Story wrote:
>> The old hash wiki page was too complex for a vote, with too much tit
>> for tat, 
>> and a lot of repetition. 
>> So instead I put up a new hash wiki page
>> which contains only the arguments in favour of a position, and only
>> the ones people
>> have argued for strongest here. This is I know a subjective take on
>> this, but this is what
>> I had in mind as something to link to from the spec perhaps, or to use
>> for the voting. 
>> Is this reasonable? Perhaps with a few more changes?
>> Henry
>> On 7 Dec 2012, at 22:35, Stéphane Corlosquet <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Nathan <> wrote:
>>>        All,
>>>        I'd like to propose that we pick the socially awkward issues
>>>        of WebID and set a time limit on them. A time limit of the
>>>        end of the year.
>>>        A 2 hour meeting / skype / google hangout should be easily
>>>        enough to resolve things and get consensus.
>>>        We need to go in to 2013 with all of this behind us, and a
>>>        clean productive slate ahead of us to really polish,
>>>        implement, utilize and promote both WebID and WebID
>>>        Protocol.
>>> On top of that, at the end of this time limit, I'd like to suggest a
>>> WBS poll open for a week or so. Here is why: the problem we've had
>>> with the Friday telecons is that only a subset of the group is able
>>> to make it and that's the only place we've taken any kind of vote.
>>> Having a more flexible channel to accept votes would give a chance
>>> to the less vocal people to also take part in the decision of the
>>> group. I'm thinking about Alex, timbl, trueg, Nathan, Olivier
>>> Berger, Jonathan Dray, Sergio Fernandez, many more. I'm not sure if
>>> this group can make use of the W3 WBS system, but that's something
>>> Henry can enquire about with Coralie maybe.
>>> Steph.
>> Social Web Architect
> -- 
> | Jürgen Jakobitsch, 
> | Software Developer
> | Semantic Web Company GmbH
> | Mariahilfer Straße 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
> | A - 1070 Wien, Austria
> | Mob +43 676 62 12 710 | Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22
> | web       :
> | foaf      :
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> | g+        :
> | skype     : jakobitsch-punkt
> | xmlns:tg  = ""

Social Web Architect

Received on Saturday, 8 December 2012 13:57:51 UTC