Re: Revised discussion of summary generation in Collaboration Tools

On 24/4/24 14:19, Janina Sajka wrote:
> Nevertheless, there are situations where content isn't amenable to
> textual summarization. I think we may need to account for that a bit in
> 14a and b. I'm out of pocket now until Thursday but will look at this
> again.

I suppose a graphical or even an auditory summary would be possible in 
principle. Nowhere does the current draft state that the summary must be 
textual. It's left open.

We could restrict 14A to textual content, if desired, including code as 
well as natural language text. My inclination, though, would be to leave 
the space open to non-textual summaries.

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2024 18:46:25 UTC