Re: XMLification of presentation syntax

> Michael Kifer wrote:
> >> Michael Kifer wrote:
> >>> XML does not understand curie macros, so rif:iri is just that for XML.
> >>> In the presentation syntax, rif:iri is not a "rif:iri" but a macro that
> >>> expands into something long. So, the earlier use of rif:iri and similar in
> >>> XML was actually a mistake.
> >> OK. So you mean to say, "... HAS BEEN actually a mistake" (and still
> >> IS as far I understand). Correcting this simple mistake is easy then.
> >> How come it has not been fixed in all the BLD documents and examples
> >> after the resolution was passed 6 months ago? How many other such
> >> "mistakes" remain in the current BLD draft that should be so corrected?
> >> My question is a very pragmatic one: I am trying to implement the dang
> >> thing.
> > 
> > You can help find mistakes by volunteering to be a reviewer.
> Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion... But what do you think all this
> mail originates from? My listening to the radio?
> I have also volunteered to automate the process to ease the pain
> of handwriting all this XML code with some consistency. But perhaps
> is this a diversion that would not really of any use?

You asked "how many mistakes are there". I gave you the best advice I
know for helping eliminate as many mistakes as possible.

Your help with automating the process is noted and appreciated.


Received on Saturday, 3 May 2008 16:01:24 UTC