Re: RIF WG Minutes from 2 Jan. 2007 telecon - FINAL version for approval at 16 Jan 2007 meeting

> A final draft of minutes for the 2 Jan. 2007 telecon is attached, for
> approval at the 16 Jan 2007 telecon. 

> Sandro, could you post this version of the 2 Jan. 2007 minutes at=20
>  That url is not on the
> wiki, and I don't think I have permission to upload to that directory.

We haven't been saving minutes back to their dated locations because of
the hassle/delay of having me (or anyone) in the loop.  The minutes are
on the web in the e-mail archives, and that seems to be good enough.
(See the bottom of your e-mail in the archives, at
there's a link the HTML attachement:

If someone wants to start maintaining a wiki page listing meetings with
links to the agenda and the minutes, that'd be cool.   :-)    I suppose
I could start it and the scribe could be asked to update it.

    -- Sandro

Received on Thursday, 11 January 2007 20:36:09 UTC