Re: semantic basis for positive conditions (action 110)

> I have read over the revised semantics for positive conditions.  
> In general it is fine.
> I have a few suggestions on wording changes, given below:
> 1/    At the core of the definition of a semantic structure is the idea 
> that an
>     interpretation provides a truth value for a formula.
> I don't think that I should be used here.

Are you objection to the use of a mapping into a set of truth values?
This is one of the standard definitions. It was chosen because it enables
a natural and uniform extension of the semantics to include NAF and
inconsistent/uncertain info.

> 2/     D a non-empty set (of domain elements),
>     Con the set of syntax elements recognized by the Con / entity 
> production,
>     Var the set of syntax elements recognized by the Var / ?name production,
>     Fun the set of syntax elements recognized by the Fun production,
>     Rel the set of syntax elements recognized by the Rel production.

 this seems to be the same as what's currently in the doc

> 3/ Clean up the definition of I* to something like
>     I*=<IC,IV*,IF,IR> where IV* is the same as IV except possibly on
>     the variables v1,...,vn

thank you - done

Received on Tuesday, 19 September 2006 15:22:29 UTC