previous work on linking use cases to requirements

Dear Rifers,
This is in regard to the following action:
[NEW] ACTION: allen to post the previous work on links between reqs and
UC [recorded in
<> ]

What I did was to uncomment the previously commented out parts of the
wiki pages where this linking information was given. So if you go to
the wiki page for a use case and scroll to the bottom of the page you
will see 
        Was commented out temporarily -- do not delete
        Motivates: <requirements this use case motivates>
In some cases objections to links are noted alongside the links.  
Sometimes the notation (all?) occurs next to a link.  I am not sure
what that means. Maybe that the requirement pertains to all the use
I believe these links represent the most recent working group efforts
on linking use cases to requirement.

Received on Monday, 4 September 2006 16:30:50 UTC