[RIF] [ADMIN] Minutes Telecon 7 March 2006

[Attached as .html and as .txt,  incorporated in body of  email as text]


  - DRAFT -

  RIF Working Group Minutes

    7 Mar 2006

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-irc>


    AllenGinsberg, AndreasHarth, AxelPolleres, ChrisW, Christian de
    Sainte Marie (cmsa), DarkoAnicic, DaveReynolds, DeborahNichols,
    DeepaliKhushraj, DonaldChapin, EdBarkmeyer, FrancoisBry,
    FrankMcCabe, GaryHallmark, GiorgosStoilos, HaroldBoley, IanHorrocks,
    IgorMozetic, JeffPan, JohnHall, JosDeBruijn (josb),
    LeoraMorgenstern, MarkusK, MichaelSintek, MikeDean,
    PaulaLaviniaPatranjan, PaulVincent, PeterPatelSchneider (pfps),
    PhilippeBonnard, SandroHawke, StanDevitt, UgoCorda, UliSattler 
    BenjaminGrosof, David Hirtle, Elisa Kendall, GiuizhenYang,
    DavidHirtle, Mala Mehrotra, MichaelKifer, MinsuJang
    Chris Welty
    Leora Morgenstern


    * Topics <#agenda>
         1. Administration <#item01>
         2. F2F Meetings <#item02>
         3. Liaison <#item03>
         4. Use Cases and Requirements <#item04>
         5. Classification <#item05>
         6. OWL & RDF Compatibility <#item06>
         7. AOB <#item07>
    * Summary of Action Items <#ActionSummary>




      1. Administration

ChrisW: Resolution: minutes from 2-21 telecon are accepted.

      2: F2F Meetings

ChrisW: [Initiated discussion to make sure all scribes at F2F have been
accurately recorded]

<ChrisW> http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/ScribesList

<Allen> I scribed for an hour at the F2F

<msintek> yes I did

<Allen> yes

ChrisW: minutes from F2F still being stitched together.


ChrisW: Regarding next F2F, vote is needed to decide between June 8-9
and June 9-10. Problem is that June 10 is the date of a workshop that is
of interest to RIF people.

ChrisW: Vote on phone? Or have straw poll?

Sandro: has set up poll to vote on this. Proposes giving people a few
more days to vote.

<MarkusK> +1

<sandro> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/38457/f2f3dates/

ChrisW: Vote on straw poll (one vote per organization) will end Thursday
at midnight.

<igor> URL of the F2F poll?

<sandro> straw poll is at: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/38457/f2f3dates/

<josb> Paul, I assigned the caller to your name

Sandro: action to set up straw poll is done.

<csma> *ACTION:* Sandro to organize WBS vote on f2f meeting *[DONE]*
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action01]

<csma> *ACTION:* AxelP to set up logistics F2F page. see
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/F2F3 *[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Peter P-S to make proposal on Wiki for F2F at ISWC,
Athens, Nov 2006. See
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<Zakim> sandro, you wanted to ask who is offering to pay for F2F4

<csma> *ACTION:* PFPS to try to find somebody to sponsor the F2F4
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action04]

ChrisW, Sandro, and Peter (P-S): [discussion of sponsorship of next F2F]

<sandro> PFPS: $25 per person per day *NOT* *INCLUDING* lunch

<PaulaP> DERI and REWERSE are for the F2F3

ChrisW: IBM not able to sponsor, certainly not entirely:

PFPS: neither can Free University of Bolzano

ChrisW: but IBM can probably do partial support

<AxelPolleres> I just wanted to say what paula already wrote on the irc

<AxelPolleres> ... in collaboration with KWeb

<josb> ... and ESSI

<sandro> http://www.businessrulesforum.com/

<Allen> I can look into mitre possiblilities

PFPS, ChrisW: [Some discussion of 4th F2F --- perhaps have in
Washington, D.C.?]

<sandro> edbark: In DC I think we (NIST) can sponsor

<johnhall> Ron Ross of Business Rules Forum is in San Jose with Donald
and me this week


<csma> *ACTION:* EdB to propose solution for F2F4 in relation with BRF
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action05]

      3. Liaison

PFPS: Nothing much to discuss with regard to liaison

<PaulV> PRR - no update

      4. Use Cases and Requirements

<csma> *ACTION:* Dieter to review the Requirements
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements *[CONTINUED]*
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action06]

<josb> I'm not sure whether it makes sense to review this document now,
after all the discussions

<AxelPolleres> +1 from my side

<csma> *ACTION:* Axel to review the Requirements
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements. see
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<PaulaP> I don't think there is a need for commenting the requirements

<csma> *ACTION:* JosDB to review the Requirements
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements. see
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Chris Welty will come up with another example narrative
for a RichKR use case . action deprecated by f2f resolution on section
*[DROPPED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Dieter to review the Requirements
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements *[DROPPED]*
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action10]

<csma> *ACTION:* Chris Welty will come up with another example narrative
for a RichKR use case . action deprecated by f2f resolution on section
*[DROPPED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* csma will incite data access discussion on mailing list
*[CONTINUED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Allen to respond to "Third Party" comments. see
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Chris to respond to RichKR comments (completed by
IanH). [see
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Christian to respond to "Publication" comments. action
deprecated by f2f resolution on section *[DROPPED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Ed to synthesize comments on Coverage by Friday and
propose ways to answer the comments. see
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<PaulV> Action - not done!

<PaulV> Action - continued - will do tonight

<csma> *ACTION:* ?FrankMcCabe to respond to "Information Integration"
comments. action deprecated by f2f resolution on section *[DROPPED]*
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action17]

<IanH> Yes

<csma> *ACTION:* Leora to respond to "Decision Support" comments. see
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* paula to clarify list of requirements taking comments
into account. see RIFUCR - List of Classified Requirements (with
Duplicate Elimination) *[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Paula to respond to "Policy-Based..." comments. see
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* PaulV to respond to "Cross-Platform..." comments.
action deprecated by f2f resolution *[DROPPED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Said to respond to Human rules comments. Action
deprecated by f2f resulution *[DROPPED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Said to rspond to "Third Party" comments. Action
completed by AllenG. *[DROPPED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* PaulV to modify UC 2.3, new title ("Negotiating
e-Busines Contracts across Rule Platforms") and different description.
*[CONTINUED]* [recorded in

<csma> Action on UC&R editors to change title of 2.4 to Disclosing and
Negotiating Buyer and Seller Policies and Preferences in eCommerce
Transactions. See

<csma> *ACTION:* PFPS to ask Ian to make changes to use case RichKR (
remove uncle example and replace with brain anatomy example; make title
be Interchanging rule extensions to OWL - A Brain Anatomy Research
Example). see
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* ?FranckMcCabe to remove data integration from 2.1,
retitle (Access to Business Rules of Supply Chain Partners), and revise,
ensuring that there are rules there. See
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Sandro to add new use case about data integration
(title: "Vocabularly Mapping for Data Integration"). *[DONE]* [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action27]

<csma> *ACTION:* Allan as editor of UCR to remove 2.6. See
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Chris to tell Leora to make changes to 2.2 (change
title to Ruleset integration for Medical Decision Support, drop
e-learning, concentrate on prescription part (and extend slightly).
*[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* John, Don, Said - Retitle UC "Managing
Inter-Organizational Business Policies and Practices" and rewrite.
*[CONTINUED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Christian to create new Wiki page for requirements
*[CONTINUED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Chris to start email discussion about what issues are
"fuzzy" wrt phase 1 & 2 *[CONTINUED]* [recorded in

<PaulV> Can someone point a link to the minutes/actions? Can't see on

<PaulV> (Referring to F2F)

Sandro: suggests, for future draft, starting afresh for new use cases

ChrisW: this would be second draft candidate use cases

cmsa: this second draft would include new use cases as well as for old
use cases that people feel weren't really taken into account

<PaulaP> Francois had also a couple of actions, but I don't see them in
the telecon's agenda

<csma> *ACTION:* UCR editors to create a new Wiki page for collecting
2nd draft UC candidates [recorded in

<AxelPolleres> Do I need to take care to link mine there, or will you,

ChrisW: reasonable to get next use case draft out tomorrow for vote?

<ChrisW> ^vote^review^

Allen: If no further editing is needed, yes.

Sandro: can then generate a frozen version

cmsa: what about Axel's proposal? Hasn't undergone as much review as the

ChrisW: Goal, to release this as new working draft by next telecon
(March 14).

<csma> *ACTION:* UCR editors prepare draft for review by Wednesday night
and send email to the list when the draft is ready [recorded in

ChrisW: assumes that review won't be a problem, and vote to accept will
go through.

cmsa: What is the process for review? Poll?

ChrisW: No, just read and post comments.

<sandro> (Yes, Frank, Tracker has been set up -- but there are no
specific plans to use it for anything yet.)

<Zakim> sandro, you wanted to ask about section 1

sandro: discussion about section 1

cmsa: recollection is that section 1 does not seem ready.

sandro: So frozen version should contain just section 2, plus stub on
section 1, saying what will go there, eventually

cmsa: proposal to start collecting requirements in an organized way,
without having to redo already completed work. Proposal to set up format
for requirements, have people enter already proposed requirements in
format, have people vote on them (e.g., suggest subsets of requirements).

sandro and ChrisW: [discussion about how much we can pin down the
requirements, at this early phase].

<csma> +1 to what ChrisW said

sandro: will have to open up discussion about design in order to more
completely pin down the requirements.

      5. Classification

<csma> *ACTION:* Chris to start email discussion about what issues are
"fuzzy" wrt phase 1 & 2 *[CONTINUED]* [recorded in

<StanDevitt> Are the requirements linked to the relevant use cases?

<csma> *ACTION:* JeffP, Hassan to review RAF pag *[CONTINUED]* [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action36]

<csma> *ACTION:* Harold to explain technically the basis for
interoperation between PR and Horn rules. What pure production rules are
- item 2 on slides (slide 5) ?Syntactic and semantic extensions of Horn
Logic?, points 2.1.1 - 2.1.3 *[DONE]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* JeffP to propose slight extension to medical decision
support UC. *[DONE]* [recorded in

      6. OWL & RDF Compatibility

<csma> *ACTION:* csma to send an email to make a distinction between OWL
and RIF roles *[DROPPED]* [recorded in

<csma> *ACTION:* Frank to make his point about semantics of production
rules on the mailing list. *[CONTINUED]* [recorded in

ChrisW: [Initiated discussion about OWL/RDF compatibility.]

sandro: not caught up with the discussion, given all the other work.

ChrisW: it's an important topic, so once we get through the use case
work, we should try to be prepared for a discussion next week.

cmsa: discussion between Francois and Bijan --- about requirements for
reasoning in the RIF --- is also important.

<Francois> +1

ChrisW, cmsa: these are important for the design of the RIF.

<sandro> +1 Frank -- many of the questions about how RIF carries OWL are
more generally about how RIF carries other languages.

<Uli> +1

<Francois> +1

<sandro> Frank: It won't be possible to map OWL to RIF without loss.

cmsa: while not necessarily role of RIF to translate, according to
charter, must at least specify in which cases mapping is or is not 

FrankMcCabe: [said what he typed below: In essence: There is a
difference between mapping and representing; mapping may be impossible,
but representing should be possible.]

<sandro> Note on what the charter actually says, see
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/charter#deliverables , "Deliverables: A
W3C Recommendation on using this rule interchange format in combination
with OWL." etc.

<FrankMcCabe> There is a difference between mapping and representing.

<ChrisW> frank, if you could type your comment into the irc

<FrankMcCabe> I believe mapping will be impossible for all interesting
rule languages. However representing is more of a meta-level annotation
and should be doable

Ed: There are a bunch of things, such as transitive closure, that rules
engines typically can't do. Is this what's meant by lack of compatibility?

IanH: If we have semantic compatibility, may not be necessary to have a

<MarkusK> +1

IanH: Conversely, if there's no semantic compatibility, will be hard to
construct mapping.

<FrankMcCabe> +1

<JeffP> +1

<josb> +1 to Uli's comment

Uli: Idea that ontologies and rules live in the same KB. In this case,
mapping not really necessary.

<sandro> (people saying "+1" should probably make sure the IRC log
reflects the statement you are agreeing with)

<StanDevitt> +1

<csma> +1

<PaulaP> +1

<josb> I agree with Uli's comment that it should be clear how OWL DL and
RIF interoperate, not how to interchange OWL DL using RIF

      7. AOB

No other business to discuss.

    Summary of Action Items

*[NEW]* *ACTION:* EdB to propose solution for F2F4 in relation with BRF
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action05]
*[NEW]* *ACTION:* PFPS to try to find somebody to sponsor the F2F4
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action04]
*[NEW]* *ACTION:* UCR editors prepare draft for review by Wednesday
night and send email to the list when the draft is ready [recorded in
*[NEW]* *ACTION:* UCR editors to create a new Wiki page for collecting
2nd draft UC candidates [recorded in
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* Chris to start email discussion about what issues
are "fuzzy" wrt phase 1 & 2 [recorded in
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* Chris to start email discussion about what issues
are "fuzzy" wrt phase 1 & 2 [recorded in
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* Christian to create new Wiki page for requirements
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action31]
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* csma will incite data access discussion on mailing
list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action12]
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* Dieter to review the Requirements
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements [recorded in
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* Frank to make his point about semantics of
production rules on the mailing list. [recorded in
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* JeffP, Hassan to review RAF pag [recorded in
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* John, Don, Said - Retitle UC "Managing
Inter-Organizational Business Policies and Practices" and rewrite.
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action30]
*[PENDING]* *ACTION:* PaulV to modify UC 2.3, new title ("Negotiating
e-Busines Contracts across Rule Platforms") and different description.
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action24]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* ?FranckMcCabe to remove data integration from 2.1,
retitle (Access to Business Rules of Supply Chain Partners), and revise,
ensuring that there are rules there. See
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action26]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Allan as editor of UCR to remove 2.6. See
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action28]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Allen to respond to "Third Party" comments. see
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action13]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Axel to review the Requirements
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements. see
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action07]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* AxelP to set up logistics F2F page. see
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/F2F3 [recorded in
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Chris to respond to RichKR comments (completed by
IanH). [see
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action14]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Chris to tell Leora to make changes to 2.2 (change
title to Ruleset integration for Medical Decision Support, drop
e-learning, concentrate on prescription part (and extend slightly).
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action29]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Ed to synthesize comments on Coverage by Friday and
propose ways to answer the comments. see
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action16]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Harold to explain technically the basis for
interoperation between PR and Horn rules. What pure production rules are
- item 2 on slides (slide 5) ?Syntactic and semantic extensions of Horn
Logic?, points 2.1.1 - 2.1.3 [recorded in
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* JeffP to propose slight extension to medical decision
support UC. [recorded in
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* JosDB to review the Requirements
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements. see
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action08]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Leora to respond to "Decision Support" comments. see
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action18]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* paula to clarify list of requirements taking comments
into account. see RIFUCR - List of Classified Requirements (with
Duplicate Elimination) [recorded in
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Paula to respond to "Policy-Based..." comments. see
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action20]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Peter P-S to make proposal on Wiki for F2F at ISWC,
Athens, Nov 2006. See
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action03]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* PFPS to ask Ian to make changes to use case RichKR (
remove uncle example and replace with brain anatomy example; make title
be Interchanging rule extensions to OWL - A Brain Anatomy Research
Example). see
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action25]
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Sandro to add new use case about data integration
(title: "Vocabularly Mapping for Data Integration"). [recorded in
*[DONE]* *ACTION:* Sandro to organize WBS vote on f2f meeting [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action01]
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* ?FrankMcCabe to respond to "Information
Integration" comments. action deprecated by f2f resolution on section
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/07-rif-minutes.html#action17]
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* Chris Welty will come up with another example
narrative for a RichKR use case . action deprecated by f2f resolution on
section [recorded in 
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* Chris Welty will come up with another example
narrative for a RichKR use case . action deprecated by f2f resolution on
section [recorded in 
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* Christian to respond to "Publication" comments.
action deprecated by f2f resolution on section [recorded in
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* csma to send an email to make a distinction
between OWL and RIF roles [recorded in
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* Dieter to review the Requirements
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements [recorded in
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* PaulV to respond to "Cross-Platform..." comments.
action deprecated by f2f resolution [recorded in
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* Said to respond to Human rules comments. Action
deprecated by f2f resulution [recorded in
*[DROPPED]* *ACTION:* Said to rspond to "Third Party" comments. Action
completed by AllenG. [recorded in
[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl
<http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm> version
1.127 (CVS log <http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/>)
$Date: 2006/03/07 17:20:26 $

Received on Friday, 10 March 2006 15:35:06 UTC