Feedback on RIF-BLD

Hi list members,

I believe that the current draft of RIF-BLD is a very good attempt to 
formalize and put into order
multiple common issues related to logic rule representation and 
exchange. I was happy to see slotted
arguments and frames and even variables in the place of slots, which 
gives a flexibility
related to querying.

Although I was not able to go through all the details I strongly believe 
that this draft has the potential
to become a candidate recommendation.

I have a couple of minor remarks about the text itself and not the language.

I would like to see a better separation and discussion about the 
differences between terms with named arguments and frames;
when is it supposed to use the one or the other.

Furthermore, more annotation examples would be useful.

Finally, I would suggest a better explanation about the different 
meaning between atomic formulae
and terms. In section 2.3 they are strongly related.
However, although their syntax is exactly the same and in Prolog they 
can be used interchangeably,
their meaning in theory is quite different. Terms are entities, whereas 
atomic formulae are relationships
between entities. So, I would suggest a better clarification of this 
fact there.

Otherwise, I believe that the text is very elaborate and accurate.

* Dr. Nick Bassiliades, Assistant Professor                  *
* Dept. of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki *
* 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece                                 *
*                                                            *
* Tel: +302310997913   E-mail:          *
* Fax: +302310998419   URL: *
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* ISKP (Intelligent Systems & Knowledge Processing) Group    *
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Received on Friday, 19 September 2008 15:23:29 UTC