response to 'Call for Review: Sustainable Web Interest Group Charter'

Apologies for the delay. We did submit feedback within the polling
period via direct GitHub issues and a couple of minor editorial pull
requests, as well as in a private meeting with a member of the Team.
Had this roughly drafted, nothing new since the close of poll.

In short, Mozilla:

* SUPPORTS the Sustainable Web Interest Group Charter with or without
suggested changes (details in form below) which have already been
incorporated into the Editor's Draft[1] of the Charter since the poll
went to the AC
* would be interested in participating
* intends to review drafts as they are published and send comments

Official text form[2] follows the "=====================".


Tantek Çelik
Mozilla AC Representative



I, Tantek Çelik
W3C Advisory Committee representative for
Mozilla Foundation
> ---------------------------------
> Support for the Proposal
> ----
> In case of Formal Objection: Per section 5.5 of the W3C Process Document
> requiring that a record of each Formal Objection must be publicly
> available, we encourage your organization to make their response public.
> You may do so by setting the visibility of your response to this
> questionnaire to public. If it instead chooses to make it Member-visible,
> or Team-only, and does not provide an alternate public version, the Team
> may make the Formal Objection public without attribution, per section
> 7.3.
> My organization:

 * ( ) supports this Charter as is.
 * (*) suggests changes to this Charter, but supports the proposal whether
or not the changes are adopted (your details below).
 * ( ) does not support this Charter for the reasons cited in comments but
is not raising a Formal Objection (your details below).
 * ( ) suggests changes to this Charter,
and only supports the proposal if the changes are adopted [Formal
Objection] (your details below).
 * ( ) opposes this Charter and requests that this group not be created
[Formal Objection] (your details below).
 * ( ) abstains from this review.


Mozilla suggested the following changes to the Charter during the
Charter review period, which have nearly all been incorporated into
the Editor's draft of the Charter
* "Living Document" instead of "1.0":
* charter should state intended audience of guide:
* IG should coordinate with IETF eimpact:
* Charter duration should be 2 years:
* "on GItHub" link to /ig not /wg:

> ---------------------------------
> Participation
> ----
> If this proposal is approved, my organization would be interested
> in participating in the following groups. Note: This
> answer is non-binding; after the review
> a formal Call for Participation will be sent for each approved charter.
> Charters include information about proposed staff effort, which may
> be evaluated in the context of the
> current staff effort tables.

 * [*] Sustainable Web Interest Group

> ---------------------------------
> Support for Deliverables of the group
> ----
> My organization:

 * [*] intends to review drafts as they are published and send comments.


> ---------------------------------
> Detailed Comments, Reasons, or Modifications
> ----
> In addition to any comments you may have, please provide details about
> your answers.

> These answers were last modified on
> by

Received on Friday, 18 October 2024 00:07:03 UTC