On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Milan Zamazal <pdm@zamazal.org> wrote:
> >>>>> "JF" == John Foliot <john@foliot.ca> writes:
> JF> On my open web however, you don't need somebody else's
> JF> permission to do something, that's the beauty of the web being
> JF> truly open.
> Exactly, it would be nice if all technologies mandated and promoted by
> W3C standards could be used and implemented to the full extent by anyone
> without asking for permission.
And, indeed, the EME specification will have that property, just the same
as <object> in HTML. Proprietary DRM systems obviously don't have that
property, but noone is suggesting the W3C mandate or promote them any more
than it mandates or promotes Microsoft Silverlight, for example.