On 6 March 2015 at 10:28, Simon Pieters <simonp@opera.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Mar 2015 16:30:23 +0100, Jason Grigsby <jason@cloudfour.com>
> wrote:
> In Bruce's article, he quotes Steve Souders as saying that the preloader
>> is
>> the "the single biggest performance improvement browsers have ever made".
>> In the link I provided, Andy Davies talks about how Google saw a 20% and
>> Firefox a 19% increase in average page speed after implementing the
>> preloader.
> To be fair, I think those numbers are not entirely relevant for
> speculatively loading images per se. The biggest performance improvement is
> from speculatively loading other scripts and stylesheets while the HTML
> parser is blocked on loading a script. I'm not aware of comparisons of not
> speculatively loading only images.
You may be right - those figures are from a while back and pre-loader
behaviour has changed over time.
Chrome was first to start prioritising scripts but it also has done some
prioritisation of visible images in the past, Firefox was a bit later at
adopting the same approach.
There are a few sites I know off where the scripts being prioritised and
the number of them ends up delaying the hero image, so it's not all perfect
(as I suspect you already know)
Suppose we could built a custom version of Chromium with changed priorities
if we really wanted to find out.