- From: Bruce Lawson <brucel@opera.com>
- Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 16:00:35 +0000
- To: Paul Deschamps <pdescham49@gmail.com>
- Cc: Jason Grigsby <jason@cloudfour.com>, "public-respimg@w3.org" <public-respimg@w3.org>
On 5 March 2015 at 14:56, Paul Deschamps <pdescham49@gmail.com> wrote: > If it comes down to the double download issue Chrome currently supports a > CSS only solution replacing the IMG src so the Double download doesn't exist > there. Would it not be better to focus on that kind of a solution for the > other browsers? Clearly someone else is in agreement with me here as it's > already supported in Chrome. Well, the foo {content: url();} construct wasn't made for responsive images; one of its use-cases is for "image replacement" eg <h1>Acme Ltd</h1> h1 {content: url(logo.jpg); } So browsers that had images turned off/ CSS off/ screenreaders would get the textual content of the h1, and visual browsers would see the equivalent logo. I wrote this up in 2008 https://web.archive.org/web/20080914185604/http://my.opera.com/ODIN/blog/css-3-image-replacement Having an <img> with no src attribute, then "replacing" it in CSS does "work", but it means that the image downloads much later than <img src="blah.jopg"> because the preloader has nothing to fetch. Stopping the preloader doing its stuff results in more philosophically satisfying code, I agree. But it's at the expense of users - as Steve Souders said "I think preloading is the single biggest performance improvement browsers have ever made". bruce
Received on Thursday, 5 March 2015 16:01:03 UTC