Re: Responsive Image Protocol proposal

That is a pretty cool demo. Love see the diffs. I have a few thoughts on it:

1. There is a real emphasis from the browser makers on reducing the number of http requests because it is one of the largest determents of page load time. While I like the solution and the fact it works with existing formats and could in theory be polyfilled, I wonder if this is the road we go down (new image format), if the browser makers would rather work with a new image format that contained the different resolutions in the same file so it was only one HTTP request.

2. In my mind, the question of new image formats has never been a question of whether or not they would be nice to have. They assuredly would be. It was a question of someone volunteering a format that the browser makers can agree on and that doesn’t infringe on someone’s IP. 

My sense is that the people in this group are ill-equipped to figure that out. Look at what happened with video codecs. I’m not saying a new format is impossible, but that it is somewhat out of our hands.

My fantasy scenario is that one of the browser makers that participates in the W3C would come forth and volunteer a format and donate it to the web. 

One of the reasons for pushing forward with picture and srcset is that it forces the issue. If there are companies that don’t like srcset and would like to see a new image format, then they have a deadline to step up and make it happen before the new spec gets adopted.

Pushing forward with a solution that we know will work, imperfections and all, forces the conversation to happen which is what we’re seeking.


On Aug 21, 2012, at 7:21 AM, François REMY wrote:

> Dear members,
> I’m new to this group and I hope I don’t relaunch an already-existing
> thread but here’s a proposal I crafted about a Responsive Image
> Protocol (file format) that some of you may find interesting :
> Please feel free to comment; this is only an experiment at this point
> but I think it can solve a lot of the current respimg problem, and
> replace the srcset attribute (aka RIP srcset).
> Best regards,
> François 


Jason Grigsby
+1 (503) 290-1090 o
+1 (503) 502-7211 m

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 17:24:26 UTC