Re: Next versions of the specs: what are your expectations?

Hi all,

thank you for bringing this up on the mailing list!

Indeed, "has been working on implementations" is true for me as well, at 
least indirectly. Unni Kohonen just completed, under my supervision, a 
Master's thesis [1] (in Finnish) at Aalto University on implementations 
of the reconciliation API for Skosmos and Annif. The implementations are 
still on prototype stage and some details need to be finalized before 
these can be incorporated into the tools themselves: the Annif 
implementation is in an open PR [2], while the Skosmos implementation is 
a Flask wrapper [3], but the final version should be built into the 
Skosmos PHP application.

In any case, there were some awkward implementation details along the 
way that I've tried to communicate to the WG, and the current draft 
version is much better than the latest release. Therefore, I'd like to 
see a new release of the API soon-ish (along with support for it in 
OpenRefine), then we could finalize the API implementations together 
with Unni to match the new API version.





On 13/06/2024 19:17, Fabian Steeg wrote:
> Hi Antonin,
> I think you meant Gregory here, who brought it up in today's meeting 
> notes [1], not Osma – though it might actually be true for Osma too :-)
> Cheers,
> Fabian
> [1]
> On 6/13/24 17:20, Antonin Delpeuch wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In our monthly meeting today, the question of our release schedule for
>> the specs was brought up. We have accumulated quite some changes in our
>> current draft. Osma has been working on implementations of it and is
>> therefore wondering with which version number we will publish those.
>> What are your expectations around such releases? Which version number
>> should be the next one? When to publish it?
>> Because that sounds like a rather important topic, I thought it's worth
>> bringing up on this list in addition to it being mentioned in the
>> meeting notes.
>> Cheers,
>> Antonin

Osma Suominen
D.Sc. (Tech), Information Systems Specialist
National Library of Finland
P.O. Box 15 (Unioninkatu 36)
Tel. +358 50 3199529

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2024 12:32:06 UTC