Re: Approving the community group charter

I'm also happy with the proposed charter.

   Raphaël Troncy

Le 03/06/2022 à 13:55, Antonin Delpeuch a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Although the Community Group (CG) has been running for some years, we 
> have not yet formally approved its charter:
> Therefore I propose to vote on it, simply by email: please indicate if 
> you are happy with having this as a charter.
> If on 21st June (date of our next video call) we have a majority of 
> approving voices in this thread, I will mark it as approved.
> This is only relevant to our current CG - I will open another thread 
> about our eventual migration to a Working Group.
> Cheers,
> Antonin

Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech
Data Science Department
450 route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France.
e-mail: &
Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8242
Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200

Received on Friday, 3 June 2022 14:48:59 UTC