Re: TypeScript type definitions

Dear Laurens,

I could indeed make the termType types of each Term subtype stricter,
will do that.

Regarding the termType type of Term itself, the current spec states the following:

    Possible values include "NamedNode", "BlankNode", "Literal", "Variable" and "DefaultGraph”.

As I understand this, other implementations may therefore choose to support other values as well,
which would not conform with the following type anymore:

 `termType: 'NamedNode' | 'BlankNode' | 'Literal' | 'Variable' | 'DefaultGraph’`

I could however change it to the following:

 `termType: 'NamedNode' | 'BlankNode' | 'Literal' | 'Variable' | 'DefaultGraph’` | string

So that other values are still allowed, but the given values are simply there as a suggestion.
Any thoughts on this?

Kind regards,
Ruben Taelman

On 20 September 2017 at 11:12:17, Laurens Rietveld ( wrote:

I like it, good initiative. Using Typescript myself extensively as well.  A technical comment: what about making the types a bit stricter. I.e., instead of 
`termType: string`, 
`termType: 'NamedNode' | 'BlankNode' | 'Literal' | 'Variable' | 'DefaultGraph'`

gr Laurens

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:03 AM, Ruben Taelman <> wrote:
Dear all,

Some people (including myself) prefer using typed Javascript, using TypeScript for instance.

As I was not able to find any type definitions for the RDFJS interfaces,
I’ve implemented these myself here:

Before I make a PR with these types to the DefinitelyTyped repo,
so that these types would become available as `@types/rdf-js`,
I first want to make sure everyone here agrees with this implementation.

The JSDoc has been taken directly from the spec.

Any feedback or comments are welcome!

Kind regards,
Ruben Taelman

VU University Amsterdam
Faculty of Exact Sciences
Department of Computer Science
De Boelelaan 1081 A
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Visiting address: 
De Boelelaan 1081
Science Building Room T312

Received on Wednesday, 20 September 2017 09:22:33 UTC