Re: rdf-ext/discussions

On 09/13/2015 01:00 PM, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> Hi all,
>> What do you think to dicsuss some existing architecture choices of
>> rdf-ext in ?
> As a start, I'd suggest to discuss this outside of current RDF-Ext choices,
> as to avoid criticizing and defending existing things.
> It would also help us to think more out of the box.
> I'd therefore propose instead to have a discussion on:
> what would an ideal RDF/JavaScript library look like?
> Then afterwards, we could see to what extent RDF-Ext fits this,
> and which things (if any) we would like to change.
> could be a good place,
> but the drawback of an issue track is that it is chronological.
> I'd therefore be in favor of a Wiki page, which we can organize thematically.
how about: ?

> Just my two cents.
> Best,
> Ruben
> PS Sorry for all people I'm flooding with my replies yesterday and today;
> it's not that I want to hijack the discussions here, I just have a habit of replying fast.

i really appreciate your enthusiasm and recognize numerous past
contributions to this ecosystem, i hope no one else here feels flooded ;)

Received on Sunday, 13 September 2015 11:39:29 UTC