Re: simplerdf & Towards the future RDF library

On 12 September 2015 at 23:05, Ruben Verborgh <>

> Hi Melvin,
> >> 4) One of the core things we need to look at when developing a library
> >> is internal and external representations of triples.
> >> This will determine everything and we cannot easily cahnge.
> >
> > Triples or quads?
> Quads.
> I always think "quads" but write "triples" for some reason :-)
> > Isnt this already quite well defined?  Or do you mean efficient memory
> storage in JS for indexing etc.?
> Not really defined yet.
> I mean an interface that is both pleasant to use for developers,
> idiomatic for JavaScript and RDF, and reasonably fast and efficiƫnt.


Sounds like a great goal.  To take the quad as a basic building block.

It's worth noting that in practice RDF is a set allowing multiple values
yielding an array.

However in the case of literals it's very often a single value.  I only
found one example that wasnt in one profile (foaf : nick).

Additionally, for functional properties you'll only have one value.

This could be a heuristic for some nice js3 or simplerdf style syntax.

What is the goal?  Something like making "the jquery of rdf"?

> Best,
> Ruben

Received on Saturday, 12 September 2015 21:10:35 UTC