- From: Ruben Verborgh <ruben.verborgh@ugent.be>
- Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 15:55:14 +0100
- To: Miguel <miguel.ceriani@gmail.com>
- Cc: public-rdfjs@w3.org
Hi Miguel, > Do you mean in the sense of having a standard for this representation? Yes, or at least something common. > I guess the representation you used as output for the parser could be a good candidate. Yeah; the current parser outputs a syntax tree however, an algebra tree is a more abstract level. > Another good option, in my opinion, could be a JSON-LD representation based on SPIN SPARQL syntax (http://spinrdf.org/sp.html). That would also result in a syntax tree it seems, not an algebra tree (which would have joins etc.) Best, Ruben
Received on Thursday, 5 November 2015 14:55:52 UTC