Re: representing deserialized RDF - N3, JSON-LD, RDFa, XML/RDF

On 12/11/2013 05:45 PM, Claus Stadler wrote:
 > On 11.12.2013 17:12, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
 >> Note, however, that there's nothing that would prevent us from using a
 >> triple form of expanded JSON-LD, where each triple is in it's own
 >> object. Also, rdf:first/rdf:rest can be used in the JSON-LD
 >> representation, so use of @list is not necessary; for JSON-LD, toRdf
 >> would handle this just fine. Note that Named triples (quads) would
 >> require a bit more embedding, e.g.:
 >> {"@id":"http://graph-name", "@graph":
 >> {"@id":"http://subject","http://predicate": [{"@id":"http://object"}]}
> Hi,
> No matter what the exchange syntax, can we in the end have a utility
> function that returns something along the lines of Talis RDF json, with
> explicit RDF terms for each triple/quad component?
> Example:
> var quadOrTriples = [{
>    subject: {type: 'uri', value: '' },
>    predicate: {type: 'bnode', value: '123' },
>    object: {type: 'literal', value: 'hello', lang: 'en"},
>    graph: {type: 'literal', dtype: '' }
> }, {
>    ...
> }];
> This would be in accordance with the RDF(/OWL) paradigm of making
> semantics explicit - i.e. less logic to code ;)
> Also, exchanging data in such a format wouldn't get much easier than this .

seems like we have two strong JSON based proposals
* expended JSON-LD
* Talis RDF/JSON

i find it an attractive possibility where js stores could require single 
format which all the parsers could output, as well as all the serializes 
take it as input.

also using single verbose but straight forward representation could make 
debugging much simpler for everyone...

Received on Thursday, 19 December 2013 17:07:55 UTC