Re: On RDF UIs (Sponate, Jassa, Facete)

I guess something similar as this extension for LevelDB:
"A full MongoDB query language implementation with INDEXES for querying your levelup/leveldb database."

Yes, this is similar to what we are aiming at with Jassa/Sponate - except that we want to have it with a SPARQL endpoint as the backend (via a set of declarative SPARQL-to-JSON mappings).


On 04.12.2013 22:12, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
> On 12/04/2013 08:17 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 12/4/13 1:14 PM, Claus Stadler wrote:
>>> Hi Kingsley,
>>> >> Yes, but why do you now introduce a MongoDB dependency?
>>> I think you misunderstood me.
>>> Sponate offers a *virtual* MongoDB interface, which is backed by a
>>> SPARQL endpoint.
>>> There is no *actual* MongoDB behind.
>> Hmm.. I am a little confused by *virtual* MongoDB interface.
> I guess something similar as this extension for LevelDB:
> "A full MongoDB query language implementation with INDEXES for querying your levelup/leveldb database."
> I understand that one can use popularized by MongoDB query language without using MongoDB itself...
> In case mentioned above LevelDB extension it should even run smoothly in a web browser on top of IndexedDB using for example "level.js an implementation of the leveldown API on top of IndexedDB (which is in turn implemented on top of LevelDB, which brings this whole shebang full circle)"

Dipl. Inf. Claus Stadler
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Research Group:
Workpage & WebID:
Phone: +49 341 97-32260

Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2013 22:08:55 UTC