Re: RDFa Publishers

Steve Williams wrote:
> At 01:22 PM 10/29/2008, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> ... what I am yet to see is a tangible example from the Yahoo! domain 
>> ... is it possible ... a link that will get me data from Digg, via a 
>> Yahoo! domain URL ...
> I have such a URL, but it is only accessible when logged in to the 
> SearchMonkey developer tool.  Here it is:
> The smid arg identifies a "data service" I have defined in 
> SearchMonkey that basically grabs whatever data is available in the 
> Yahoo! search index for the Digg page identified by the url arg.
> The response is XML document in what Yahoo! calls DataRSS:
> See below for an excerpt of the XML response that shows the Digg RDFa 
> available as a side effect of Yahoo!'s crawl.
> To create a SearchMonkey app, one writes simple PHP to grab the values 
> out of that XML and insert them into an HTML fragment.
> Does that help?
> <adjunct id="" updated="2008-10-30T10:40:43Z" 
> version="1.0">
> <item rel="dc:creator" resource=""/>
> <item rel="xhtml:search" resource=""/>
> <item rel="xhtml:image_src" 
> resource=""/> 
> <item rel="xhtml:license" 
> resource=""/>
> <meta property="dc:date">2008-08-29 20:13:32</meta>
> <item rel="dc:source" 
> resource=""/>
> <meta property="dcterms:abstract">
> Good afternoon, I attached this camera to the bench so you could take 
> pictures. Seriously. So have fun. I'll be back later this evening to 
> pick it up. Love, Jay / The Plug When I retrieved the camera that 
> night, I was happy to find that the entire roll of film had been shot. 
> Below are the photos that were taken.
> </meta>
> <item rel="xhtml:icon" resource=""/>
> <meta property="dc:title">
> I tied a disposable camera to a bench with a sign that read:
> </meta>
> </adjunct>


This has been helpful in the sense that it's unveiled my blind spot. I 
assumed SearchMonkey was live whereas it isn't :-(  I thought that Yahoo 
was already exposing RDFa, DataRSS etc. to the public from data 
providers plugged into it's data-bus (what SearchMonkey is ultimately 



Kingsley Idehen	      Weblog:
President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     Web:

Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 11:57:16 UTC