Re: RDFa Publishers

At 01:22 PM 10/29/2008, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>... what I am yet to see is a tangible example from the Yahoo! 
>domain ... is it possible ... a link that will get me data from 
>Digg, via a Yahoo! domain URL ...

I have such a URL, but it is only accessible when logged in to the 
SearchMonkey developer tool.  Here it is:

The smid arg identifies a "data service" I have defined in 
SearchMonkey that basically grabs whatever data is available in the 
Yahoo! search index for the Digg page identified by the url arg.

The response is XML document in what Yahoo! calls DataRSS:

See below for an excerpt of the XML response that shows the Digg RDFa 
available as a side effect of Yahoo!'s crawl.

To create a SearchMonkey app, one writes simple PHP to grab the 
values out of that XML and insert them into an HTML fragment.

Does that help?

<adjunct id="" updated="2008-10-30T10:40:43Z" version="1.0">
<item rel="dc:creator" resource=""/>
<item rel="xhtml:search" resource=""/>
<item rel="xhtml:image_src" 
<item rel="xhtml:license" 
<meta property="dc:date">2008-08-29 20:13:32</meta>
<item rel="dc:source" resource=""/>
<meta property="dcterms:abstract">
Good afternoon, I attached this camera to the bench so you could take 
pictures. Seriously. So have fun. I'll be back later this evening to 
pick it up. Love, Jay / The Plug When I retrieved the camera that 
night, I was happy to find that the entire roll of film had been 
shot. Below are the photos that were taken.
<item rel="xhtml:icon" resource=""/>
<meta property="dc:title">
I tied a disposable camera to a bench with a sign that read:

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2008 22:26:53 UTC