Re: RDFa Publishers

Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> This has been helpful in the sense that it's unveiled my blind spot. I
> assumed SearchMonkey was live whereas it isn't :-(  I thought that Yahoo
> was already exposing RDFa, DataRSS etc. to the public from data
> providers plugged into it's data-bus (what SearchMonkey is ultimately
> delivering).

I think there remains confusion: SearchMonkey *is* live.

Here's the Creative Commons application which you can add right now to
your Yahoo account:

Once you have that turned on, any result in your Yahoo searches that
contains RDFa that indicates a copyright license will show up with an
information bar that explains this.

Yahoo hasn't made the triples accessible via a simple GET, because the
point of SearchMonkey is to use the triples to drive an application that
enhances search results.

But it is very much live, and Creative Commons and other RDFa folks are
actively working with it.


Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 15:49:13 UTC