Re: HTML+RDFa 1.1 Last Call Draft is Ready

On 01/28/2013 09:18 PM, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
> Attributes are sometimes prepended with @ and sometimes not, e.g @about
> and other time just about. In RDFA-CORE,  they are all starting with @,
> I like it that way too.


> "the element does not have @datetime or content attributes"
> @datetime is a link but the anchors it points to does not exist in the
> document.

Fixed, it is now no longer a link.

> "In Section 7.5: Sequence, step 11, immediately after sub-step 2, if the
> datatype attribute is present and evaluates to
> The value of the HTML
> Literal is a string created by serializing to text, all nodes that are
> descendants of the current element, i.e., not including the element
> itself, and giving it a datatype of
> as defined in Section
> 5.2: The rdf:HTML Datatype of [RDF-CONCEPTS]. "
> This paragraph doesn't read well. The first sentence doesn't end well,
> replacing the first . with a comma should do. It seems the second comma
> (in the form pasted above) gets in the way of the reading flow, try
> removing it.


> "In the example above, the properties from #lennon and #band are copied
> into first resource"
> s/into first/into the first/
> s/yeilding/yielding


> Turtle is not an acronym, it should be spelt 'Turtle', not TURTLE.


> "... processors that implement RDFa Property Copying must update the
> output graph using the following rules:"
> Nowhere does it say that RDFa PRoperty Copying is mandatory. Wasn't it
> decided to be a required feature for all RDFa processors? This sentence
> above make it sound that it's optional the same way Vocabulary Expansion
> is optional.


Thanks for the detailed edits, Stéphane. :)

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Aaron Swartz, PaySwarm, and Academic Journals

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 04:59:13 UTC