Re: Resolving remaining issues in the issue tracker

On Jan 6, 2013, at 6:40 PM, Manu Sporny <> wrote:

> ISSUE-146: HTML5+RDFa needs rule for implied @about="" on head/body	
> No it doesn't, we resolved this here:
> RESOLVED: Modify HTML+RDFa and XHTML+RDFa to modify processing steps #5
> and #6 from assuming an empty @about value to assuming that new subject
> is set to the parent object.
> We messed up and included that rule in XHTML+RDFa 1.1. We should publish
> a PER for that spec with the rules for an empty about="" on HEAD and BODY.
> PROPOSAL: Close issue 146 with no change to HTML+RDFa. Remove the rules
> for injecting an empty about="" for XHTML+RDFa and issue a PER for that
> document.

Note that setting to the subject to the parent object is not the same as removing the rules. The issue is that if you have <body typeof="schema:WebPage">, you want that to be on the subject of <html>, which does have the empty @about="" rule. If you remove the rules altogether, it would create a BNode instead.

I believe that that's what's currently in both XHTML+RDFa and HTML+RDFa, so that they're consistent.

What we were worried about is that someone would do something like <html about="><body typeof="schema:WebPage">... and that the type would be set on the document location, and not the about set on the root element.

The wording from XHTML+RDFa is the following, which I think is correct:

	• In section 7.5, processing step 5, if no IRI is provided by a resource attribute (e.g., @about, @href, @resource, or @src), then first check to see if the element is the head or body element. If it is, then act as if the new subject is set to the parent object.
	• In section 7.5, processing step 6, if no IRI is provided by a resource attribute (e.g., @about, @href, @resource, or @src), then first check to see if the element is the head or body element. If it is, then act as if the new subject is set to the parent object.

This is the wording I added to HTML+RDFa.


Received on Monday, 7 January 2013 06:54:23 UTC