Re: Introduction

On 03/25/12 01:35, Grant Robertson wrote:
> I have several technical questions about the spec, which I will be 
> posting to the list over the coming week. Once I "fully grok" the 
> spec, I will start working on various supporting documents. The
> first will be a glossary of terms and an outline of what topics need
> to be covered. Please keep in mind, I am not suggesting that the
> documents I write become part of the specifications. These will
> merely be supporting documents to help people understand the spec.

Hi Grant,

Welcome to the RDFa community. :)

Everyone else, I had a number of discussions with Grant over the past
week or two and think that he can really help us write supporting
documentation for RDFa. This is something that has needed to be done for
quite some time. We haven't found the time to do so because we've been
so busy trying to ship RDFa 1.1.

I think Grant is in the perfect position to write the supporting
documentation because he isn't corrupted by having been involved with
the design of RDFa 1.1. As he outlined in his e-mail - his primary goal
will be to bring RDFa to a wider audience through writing - glossaries,
tutorials, Web author documentation, etc.

So, thanks for throwing your hat into the ring, Grant. We will all try
to support you as you try to understand RDFa and write author-targeted
documentation about it.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: PaySwarm Website for Developers Launched

Received on Monday, 26 March 2012 18:02:53 UTC