Re: Re 2: The processing rules for property/rel

On Oct 28, 2011, at 8:26 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:

> On Oct 28, 2011, at 16:53 , Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> A side-issue:
>> In this case, the href _should_ create a new subject in 5, I think. This might need attention in step 12. Did you run the test suite after making your proposed change?
> Gregg or Manu: what does it entail to run the test suite operation on my own machine (Mac OS)? 'Running the test suite' manually is a drag, and I am uneasy putting the service on the web before a better debug...

You may be able to adapt the mechanism I use for RDF::RDFa [1], but it does draw on a number of Ruby implementation features. Basically, I parse the manifest and cache all of the test and results files and run SPARQL locally. Testing is done using the Ruby Respec framework, but it could work with most any testing framework. If you're interested, the relevant files within my library are spec/suite_helper.rb and spec/suite_spec.rb. For my case, sample test output is the following:

  w3c test cases
    for xhtml1 rdfa1.1
      that are required
        test 0001: Predicate establishment with @property
        test 0006: @rel and @rev
        test 0007: @rel, @rev, @property, @content
        test 0008: empty string @about
        test 0009: @rev
        test 0010: @rel, @rev, @href
        test 0012: @xml:lang
        test 0013: @xml:lang inheritance
        test 0014: @datatype, xsd:integer
        test 0015: meta and link
        test 0017: Related blanknodes
        test 0018: @rel for predicate

It takes about 40 seconds to run all tests for all versions of RDFa across all host languages (777 tests in all).

The service based approach is more challenging to run locally, Manu may be able to provide setup instructions. However, in the best of cases, the dependence on external resources is going to impair performance to the point that it's probably not feasible for development-time testing.



> Ivan
>> Gregg
>>> Ivan
>>> ----
>>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
>>> Home:
>>> mobile: +31-641044153
>>> PGP Key:
>>> FOAF:
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
> Home:
> mobile: +31-641044153
> PGP Key:

Received on Friday, 28 October 2011 16:36:38 UTC