Re: Object Memory Modeling XG and RDFa

Dear Manu Sporny,

I've wondered if you found the time to have a closer look on our 
examples, or if you require additional information about the OMM. We 
would like to add some information about this OMM aspect to the OMM XGR, 
so your feedback would be of special value for us.

Best regards,
   Alexander Kröner

Am 26.09.2011 16:42, schrieb Alexander Kröner:
> Dear Manu Sporny, (dear all,)
> the W3C Object Memory Modeling Incubator group (OMM XG, [1]) 
> experimented with an RDFa-based encoding of the Object Memory Model 
> (OMM, the main result of this XG). An example, which was validated 
> with W3C RDFa Distiller and Parser, is located here:
> We did a similar experiment, but not yet validated, with HTML5 and 
> Microdata:
> We first discussed this experiment with our colleague and RDFa WG 
> member Sebastian Germesin, and now wanted to share our experiences. 
> And of course we are interested in feedback concerning our attempt, 
> e.g., if the OMM structure could be expressed in a more accurate or 
> simpler way.
> Once we agree on the representation, we might also proceed with a 
> discussion of our "user experience" with RDFa, if you are interested 
> in that.
> Then, we would like to present this experiment more prominently on the 
> OMM XG's homepage, and maybe it's also of interest for the RDFa WG's 
> "examples in the wild" section.
> ---
> Background (general): The OMM XG is investigating the modeling of an 
> "object memory" - roughly spoken, a continuously growing data record 
> that is associated with a physical artifact. The OMM, which is in the 
> XG's focus of interest, describes the structure of the object memory. 
> Basically, this structure consists in a (temporal) sequence of data 
> blocks - for an abstract overview (not up to date), please see [2]. 
> Use cases of the OMM typically make reference to processes which 
> involve man or machine interaction with an artifact, e.g., documenting 
> artifact provenance, logging data for product integrity, and 
> communicating instructions in automated production processes.
> Background (RDFa): The XG is particularly interested in making object 
> memories available on Web pages - starting from a URL bound to the 
> artifact, the group would like to provide access in a way accessible 
> to humans as well as machines. Therefore, the question came up if the 
> OMM structures could be embedded in Web pages via Microdata and/or RDFa.
> With best regards,
>   Alexander Kröner (OMM XG Chair)
> ### References
> [1]
> [2] 


Dr. Alexander Kröner --------- Intelligent User Interfaces Lab
DFKI GmbH  Campus D3 2  Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 66123 Saarbrücken

Phone  +49.681.85775.5395
Fax    +49 681.85775.5021
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Firmensitz: Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes

Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2011 09:33:14 UTC