Preparing Official LC Responses

Hi all,

I'm currently doing my weekly sweep through the RDFa Core Last Call
issues in an attempt to make sure that we're making good progress on
responding to comments. Thanks to everyone's hard work over the last two
weeks (or would that be 4+ years), we are at the point where we can do
official responses from the RDFa Working Group for most of the issues.

The list below are the WG members that should prepare and send official
responses from the RDFa Working Group. When you send a response please
make sure that you do the following:

 1) Include the original comment submitter in the To: line with the
    RDFa WG Cc:'ed.
 2) Say that it is an official LC response to their comment(s).
 3) Clearly explain the issue you're responding to and how the
    WG discussed the issue, including as many links to where the
    discussion was recorded as possible.
 4) Specifically ask whether or not they feel that their comments have
    been addressed at the end of the e-mail response.

Shane McCarron:
     (I realize that Michael had already agreed w/ the changes but in
      order to make sure we're following W3C process, could you please
      send a formal response? I'll close the issue immediately after.)
     (I think you can do an official response to Toby and note that
      the management of the RDFa Profile will be handled during the
      solution to ISSUE-73/ISSUE-78)

Steven Pemberton

Nathan Rixham
     (You still need to send the draft response, but if you are
      comfortable enough with doing it, you could send the official
      response since we discussed this in-depth).
     (Don't do an official response, but this is just a reminder that
      ISSUE-73 and ISSUE-78 are blocked pending your comments on
      RDFa Profiles and RDFa Profile management)

Toby Inkster

Ivan Herman

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Towards Universal Web Commerce

Received on Sunday, 6 February 2011 20:35:19 UTC