Re: Review of XHTML+RDFa 1.1 ( (Knud)

Thanks for this.  I will review your comments and those from Thomas, 
reply to each and get out an updated document.  It might not be tonight, 
but it will be early tomorrow for sure.

On 10/31/2010 2:52 PM, Knud Hinnerk Möller wrote:
> Hi all,
> here is my review of the current version of XHTML-RDFa 1.1. I didn't spot any deep problems, most of my comments are editorial or requests for clarification. Here we go:
> ----------
> Section "Status of This Document"
> - "This" in the header should probably be lowercase?
> - "5. Remove the collection of TERMs from this document - instead deferring the definitions in a default RDFa Profile document." - does this refer to Sect. 9.3. "@rel/@rev attribute values" in RDFA-SYNTAX? If so, then these are now defined in - but that is not the default RDFa Profile document, isn't it? If not, then which terms does this sentence refer to?
> Section 2.1:
> - criterion 1: "The document must conform to the constraints expressed in the schemas in Appendix A ... and Appendix B ..." - this is very nitpicky, but shouldn't this read "either Appendix A ... or Appendix B", depending on whether you want to use DTD or XML Schema to validate?
> - what is the significance of the two examples? The first one seems superfluous.
> Section 3:
> - the references to "6.5" are wrong. I assume this is intended to reference 7.5 in RDFA-CORE?
> - in the last two bullet points, it is unclear to me what exactly "resource attribute" refers to. Not @resource, I guess? My interpretation is that it means "if no URI is provided by any of {@about, @src, @resource, @href}". Note that the same confusing text is also used in RDFA-CORE. This should be expressed more clearly.
> Section 5:
> - I'm a little confused regarding the situation of @profile:
>   - RDFA-CORE lists @profile as one of the RDFa attributes.
>   - RDFA-CORE says: "The attributes defined in this specification must be included in the content model of the Host Language."
>   - @profile is not included in the Metainformation Attributes Module in Sect. 5
>   - @profile is not defined in either XHTML+RDFa XML Schema nor DTD
>   - @profile is also not defined in the XHTML1.1 Schema or DTD, if I'm not mistaken
>   - so how does the content model of XHTML+RDFa 1.1 include @profile?
> ----------
> Cheers,
> Knud
> -------------------------------------------------
> Knud Möller, PhD
> +353 - 91 - 495086
> Smile Group:
> Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>    National University of Ireland, Galway
> Institiúid Taighde na Fiontraíochta Digití
>    Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh

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Received on Sunday, 31 October 2010 20:33:54 UTC