Re: Volunteers needed to review XHTML+RDFa 1.1

> SOLD to the passionate man slightly, hesitantly raising his hand! :)
Cool :-)

> If you could get your comments in by this coming Saturday, that would be
> great. We are going to try to see if we want to take XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to
> Last Call during the November 4th 2010 telecon, with a publication date
> of November 9th 2010. It would be best if Shane had a set of comments to
> work with by this weekend. That said, we are at the mercy of your and
> Knud's schedule, so as soon as you can do a review would be great.
Saturday should work. Happy to help out. Stupid question: shall I post
my comments simply to the mailing list, or is there a different
process, like posting feedback to Shane before?


Thomas Steiner, Research Scientist, Google Inc.,

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 13:31:13 UTC